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7 questions to ask yourself to spot a narcissistic pervert for sure

He will first propose a honeymoon, a relationship like you have never known before, but it will only be window dressing intended to blind you. Because for him you are a target, a prey with which he will play until you lose your feet and sink into deep disarray. Beware danger therefore if you feel that your relationship is starting to poison you; take a step back and ask yourself these questions.

What is his attitude towards you?

Don't forget, the one and only goal of the narcissistic pervert is to destroy his victim, to steal his qualities to fill his inner emptiness, to devalue him in order to revalue himself . His sole purpose is to gain self-benefit, so while he may appear "nice" (but actually normal) remember this is just a facade.

What image does he have of himself?

Bad, like many people. But for him, it is the engine of his personality disorder because paradoxically he has a very high opinion of himself . Narcissistic perverts are built on hatred, envy, frustration, and pride. We will therefore see that they are never satisfied nor happy . The narcissistic pervert is always internally in the skin of another, he is never sincere, always a liar because he has been obliged since childhood to build a set of artificial personalities to give himself the illusion of existing.

Does he claim to be a victim?

The narcissistic pervert will lie and play with the other, he will make him suffer, but will claim to be in reality the victim in the couple. Do not forget, with him mythomania is an operational component to achieve his ends, that is to say to devitalize you, to kill you slowly. In addition, one of the personality traits of the narcissistic pervert is paranoia which makes him live in constant suspicion , hence his ability to sometimes appear as a fine psychologist in the eyes of his victim and therefore understandable. Above all, do not succumb to what could appear to be a form of intelligence, it is absolutely not, it would be more like psychosis.

What is his attitude towards family and friends?

His goal is of course to isolate the other, and not only from his family but also from his friends. He is a born comedian, but remember his image is artificial, he knows how to shine very well outside to better become monstrous once back in marital intimacy. He will criticize your loved ones and the way you interact with them because it cannot bear the vision of a coherent and harmonious whole.

Is it milk soup?

Alternating hot and cold, using paradoxical, contradictory communication or long and heavy silences, these are the characteristics of a narcissistic pervert. He can't stand things going well and spoil any pleasure or joy, confuse any conversation, in short, he's charming at first, often very charismatic and mysterious, but that's just for show, his identity is very fragile.

Does he give compliments?

A narcissistic pervert will over time show himself to be more and more critical of the other, but always on points of detail, clothing habits, a way of putting on makeup, of wanting to assume his femininity, for example. Remember, he is lack of empathy because he has no moral values ​​and if he has emotions, they are feigned.

Is it violent?

Narcissistic perverts rarely veer into physical violence, their specifically cold, slow, and devious mechanisms sufficient to "psychically kill" their targets. For example, financially, they are the ones who hold the purse strings:they ensure that their spouse loses track or works less. Note that if he is not necessarily violent in his gestures, his sexuality can be, so it is not surprising that in a couple, he calls for sado-masochistic relationships.

Now you know; but be careful not to see narcissistic perverts everywhere!

Also read:

  • 5 tips to escape the manipulations of a narcissistic pervert
  • Julie Pietri pushed to suicide by a narcissistic pervert, she says
  • "A Postcard of Happiness", the touching novel that illustrates the toxic influence of the narcissistic pervert