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McDonalds:Dangerous for your Children &your Wallet?

McDonalds:Dangerous for your Children &your Wallet?

McDo fans, I found a blog post that should maybe make you think twice about rushing to fast food. Warning, junk food!

Well, I never go to fast food, but the majority of young people my age go there regularly. However, I often try to dissuade them:too greasy, too salty, too chemical, McDo is hell for the body...

Junk food

Moreover, the article by the Chica de Paris columnist perfectly shows the techniques of the McDonald's managers:the fast-food chain was fined 1.3 million euros in Brazil because it encourages children to eat junk food by offering them toys in Happy Meals.

Brazil is not the first country to worry about the excesses of Mc Do. As with Coke, several independent studies have shown that eating fast food more than once a month increases the risk of diabetes and cholesterol by more than 50%. , making young people lethargic and homebound.

Lower Rates?

Besides, if you go to McDonalds, it's really not for the prices (same or higher than any bakery), but for the addictive side of fast food, the overkill of food.

Just read the description of the "maxi best of" menu on the McDonald's website to be convinced:"The sandwiches are the same except that they are bigger, sometimes they have two layers, two steaks … The drink goes from 33 cl to 50 cl for a soda."

What do you think ? Do you consider fast food as a danger? How often do you go there? Let's talk about it in the comments!

McDonalds:Dangerous for your Children &your Wallet?

Savings Achieved

Just go to the Mc Donald's website to find out its prices:the "best of" menus range from €5.90 to €7.90 and the "maxi best of" menus are between €6.40 and €8. €.

A quick look at these prices shows that they are absolutely no more interesting than a menu at the bakery , which rarely exceeds €6, and even less interesting than a menu prepared at home:homemade sandwich, fruit, bottle of water or fruit juice (for this personal menu, I never spend more than €2 a day ). That's a saving of at least €4 every time you prefer a homemade sandwich to a meal at McDonald's:if you go there once a week, you can save €200 per year!

For me the choice is quickly made!