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First kiss:the women who dared to start tell

The first kiss is a very important step that officially marks the beginning of a relationship. It occurs at the end of the phase where we get to know each other and thus means that what we have seen of the other so far makes you want to go further (and it's still a hell of a compliment when you think about it!). The rules of gallantry – somewhat archaic for the most part, we agree – designate the man as the one who must take the first step and bring about that first real physical contact, but modern women do not hear it that way ( and they are right!). On Reddit, many of them confided in how they managed to get a long-awaited first kiss, sometimes because the excitement was high, sometimes because Jules took a little too long to decide. And in this early summer, it makes you want to romance under the sun... "After kissing him on the cheek 3 days earlier and telling him that I wanted to move forward a little, I asked if he wanted to kiss me. He said yes, so it happenedI leaned over without warning and kissed him. I almost headbutted him. PS:he just informed me that my teeth had hit his, I was too excited “, “I used to say “You should kiss me” or “This is when we are supposed to kiss” ". Unequivocally!

“It was the best kiss of my life”

Some prefer to resort to trickery and needless to say, it is just as effective:“ My head was resting on his shoulder and I was starting to doze off. He shook me gently and said, "Are you sleeping? I told him no, but that he could make sure that didn't happen. It was the best kiss of my life », « At the end of the first date with my current boyfriend, I asked him if he would like to listen to music in my car (we had talked at length about our common musical tastes). We were flirting and I said "Can I try something?" so I put his finger in my mouth to turn him on a bit, sat on him and kissed him full on the mouth ". Hot! Finally, another netizen gives a whole series of practical tips that have worked like hell for her:“Just get closer, cuddle, maybe even interlace your hands or something in the kind. Then you look him straight in the eyes, bring your face close to his and gently tilt your head. He will do the same, I promise you. How do I know? Because I've done it myself many times. If he doesn't react, then whisper, "Kiss me." I did that too and it worked ". If your love story is just beginning, then we wish you good luck for the big leap!