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A mother integrates her deceased husband into her pregnancy shoot

Living a pregnancy alone is a very difficult ordeal, but when in addition you have lost your other half in tragic circumstances, you simply wonder if you will be able to get there. This is the drama experienced by Stephanie Maynetto-Jackson:her husband Stuart, only 28 years old, dies in a road accident while the young woman is 18 weeks pregnant. The lovers, both army veterans, were to know the gender of their second child only two weeks after the fateful day. The mother, who is therefore preparing to welcome a son again, was able to draw incredible strength from her misfortune and decided to carry out a pregnancy shoot from which her soul mate would not be excluded. Indeed, she integrated thanks to a retouching software the shadow of her dear and tender in each of the shots:next to her absolutely sublime in a long dress with golden patterns, Stuart sometimes stands looking at their eldest son, sometimes squatting embracing the plump belly or leaning on it with a benevolent hand. Stephanie Maynetto-Jackson confided in the site Metro on this very touching initiative:“The day of the shooting was very difficult for me because it was at this time that we realized that Stuart was no longer physically present .

“We liked it from the first moment”

He loved taking pictures that traced the pregnancy. He did a great job both in front and behind the goal. He was a natural and had a smile that could light up an entire room, which he passed on to our sons “, she explains. As for her reasons for doing the stunning set of photos, she says, "I wanted our son to have maternity photos that would remind him at all times of what Stuart and I had planned for him. . We wanted to give him life and he must know that we loved him from the first moment. He won't have memories with him but it's a way for him to cherish this period of our lives ". Heartbreaking… The photos, which went around the world, triggered a wave of support which of course delighted the young mother:“The reactions were largely positive […] Many people said they would take more care for those they love. It did me a lot of good to know that my love story was followed by so many people when [Stuart] was alive and that it continues to inspire them now that he is gone ". The pretty brunette gave birth to her youngest son on May 17 and called him Stuart II. Congratulations to this courageous woman!