Family Best Time >> Family

When the little girl grows up, what will that do to her mother?

There was a girl. A cheerful but spirited girl. Not afraid and very enterprising. A little naughty, but with an open mind. It's a beautiful girl. Small, yet big. The little girl is a wonderfully uninhibited child.

Table of contents

The little girl becomes a toddler, preschooler and goes to school

The little girl is two. For the first time she flies from under mother's wings. The girl goes to playgroup for a number of days. Always in a good mood, because it's fun. And educational. This is where the little girl makes friends. A best friend even comes into her young life. Her whole little world just got a little bigger.

The little girl goes to kindergarten. As if it were no effort at all, she flows in. She enjoys school. The little girl has a nice class. She makes a lot of friends and her best friend from playgroup stays.

The little girl goes to swimming lessons. She swims her laps every week with a big smile. The girl quickly obtains her swimming diplomas A, B and C. Now she can choose a sport. The little girl chooses hockey. Every week she faithfully trains at the local hockey club. She also makes new friends here. Her little world continues to expand. And every year when it's mom's birthday, she's not surprised at her own age, but at how big that little girl is getting.

Primary school days and group 8

Together with her nice classmates, the girl is enjoying her primary school days. They play, laugh and stay. Sometimes there is a fight. That is also part of it. Fortunately, quarrels are quickly resolved. She still has her best friend by her side. Once in group 7 it all gets a bit more spicy for the little girl. A lot is learned and doing homework is a recurring phenomenon. By the way, this is not so enthusiastically received by the girl. There are also physical changes. Still, the little girl struggles through this well.

And then suddenly, it seems, the little girl is in 8th grade. The last year of primary school. The little girl is having a party with friends. The roof comes off. She can often be found at the hockey club with her bestie. They go out for lunch and shopping together. And together they go to the movies with two little boys. The little girl has her own house key. Her own cell phone and her own opinion. Especially your own opinion.

A ghost in the night

It's night. It's storming. Very hard. A large shadow enters my room. I am startled. Not of the shadow. But of the realization. The sense of time. Suddenly I realize that the big shadow is my little girl. She's almost as tall as me. I never saw this before. Sure I saw her grow, but she was always my little girl.

The girl is afraid and seeks comfort. She finds it in my arms. I hold the little girl tight. Until she gently frees herself from me. The storm outside has passed and my girl is going back to her own bed. That's where she sleeps best. She's smart, my little girl. She makes her own choices and now literally separates from me.

While outside the storm has passed, my head is far from over. This is what everyone is talking about. This is the moment of letting go.

End of grade 8, my little girl is growing up

Group 8 is coming to an end. The musical, the group 8 camp and the prom are just around the corner. So the coming weeks will be dominated by goodbyes. My little girl has no problem with it (yet). I all the more. Just thinking about it brings tears to my eyes.

My little girl is happily practicing for her part in the musical. Not afraid, while a few years ago my little girl yelled very loudly that she wouldn't play.#stagefear † This class is going to turn the tent completely upside down. For sure!

My girl is also looking forward to the camp. Then they are completely soaked. I think I need this more than my little girl. She is ready. She has laid a good foundation. In terms of learning, standards and values ​​and friendship. Because she still has the same best friend by her side.

The prom will be a blast. A sensational party, “the final party”. My girl embraces all activities and enjoys it to the fullest!

On to high school and let go again

My little girl is ready to go out into the big world, choose a future. But am I? It's hard for me. Letting go. Hopefully she will always come to me when she needs me. High school beckons. The high school class list has fallen on the mat. The list includes a few well-known names. Names of cute children. Full of enthusiasm, my girl contacts some of her future classmates. She wants to continue!

There's a girl. A cheerful but spirited girl. Not afraid and very enterprising. A little naughty, but with an open mind. It's a beautiful girl. Small, yet big. The big girl is a wonderfully uninhibited child. It's my child. And she makes me so very proud.