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What to do in the event of a home accident

What to do in the event of a home accident

According to statistics, in France, domestic accidents are the third cause of death after cancer and cardiovascular disease.

Unfortunately, even if we redouble our precaution and caution, we are never safe from something accidental, that is to say random and fortuitous. And when you are faced with this situation, you should not panic.

Get informed

Did you know that in France, around 50 people die a day as a result of a domestic accident? And it is the children who are the most affected. However, death can be perfectly avoided if the right actions are taken. Moreover, the best attitude to adopt to avoid and limit the risk of accidents is to secure the house, especially if there are young children. To know more about this subject, I recommend the site You will also find many articles on homeopathy, sexuality, or even dietetics and nutrition. When I have questions about health, I do not hesitate to go to this portal.


Thanks again to one of my co-workers. The latter has indeed insisted that I accompany him to his introductory courses in first aid gestures. Thus, thanks to my notions of first aid, I was able to put out of danger a friend who received an electric shock while trying to repair a short circuit in his garage. In the latter case, the thing not to do is to touch the electrocuted with bare hands. Instead, start by cutting off the power supply by lowering the circuit breaker. Immediately call the SAMU or the fire department. If the element causing the electrocution is still in contact with the body of the person, move it away using a non-conductive object such as the plastic handle of a broom for example.

The burn

What to do in the event of a home accident

Regarding the burn, I myself was a victim, when by clumsiness, I involuntarily poured a very hot cup of tea on my legs. Without further ado, I doused the affected area with cold water for about ten minutes. This gesture is already a great relief. After that, you must very carefully remove the clothes, except for the fabrics that stick to the skin. This could increase the extent and severity of the burn. If the blisters are too large, call for help immediately, especially if the victim is having difficulty breathing. For first-degree burns, if the burned area becomes red and hot, it's a sign of an infection. Get to the hospital as soon as possible.

The injury

Even if, like me, you can't stand the sight of blood, remember, the sooner you intervene, the better. What are the actions to take in the event of a wound? The behavior to adopt will correspond to the seriousness of the injury. For simple scratches or small cuts, simply wash the wound with cold water and soap. Then, use tweezers to remove any broken glass or gravel. Finally, clean with antiseptic and leave in the open air. Concerning deep wounds that bleed profusely, cover with sterile compresses then go to the emergency room.