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When the RATP helps you become the best mother of the day

Enjoy it's not every day that I'm going to say good things about the RATP huh!

Cliché of the grumpy Parisian hello. No "Goodbye" actually!

When the RATP helps you become the best mother of the day

Yesterday morning, the RATP made me the best mom in the world . Just that.

Yes, I still fit in my boots why?

What was I saying... rha... thank you for not interrupting me again in this fabulous and highly interesting story. For my ego.

Yesterday morning, I was about to gently accompany my young schoolgirl to the metro station so that she could join her friends there. The latter indeed make their way as a group of skinny girls, owners of eastpacks and long hair – and Stan Smith for the lucky ones. My pre-teen's phone rings (again)(hey, that's rare... hum):one of the girlfriends then tells her, a little stressed, that the metro is out of order.

Keep calm girls. The metro is regularly out of whack, there is no danger in the delay, a simple slowdown probably to be expected. However, I choose to pick up the pace, join this first friend and I subconsciously plan to take a longer trip than planned with them by subconsciously taking more than my keys and my phone, namely my wallet and therefore my metro tickets.

From there, everything goes on, the girlfriend calls back, she is stuck at the station preceding ours, I tell her to make her do the little bit to join us on foot. A girlfriend, soon 2 others arrive, slightly panicked, but ultra cute. Normal at 11 years old, we still don't master the metropolitan network very well.

Information quickly taken on my side, via my app, I understand that in fact, of course, there can be metros, but that they are simply saturated. People are advised to take an alternate route.

Alternate route that I had to show my 11.5 year old this weekend. And that we ultimately didn't.

Well here it is. A very good opportunity!

This is how thanks to yesterday's RATP breakdown, I found myself chaperoning 4 lost pre-teens to reach their college. Direction the stop of the good bus that no one had yet had the opportunity to spot.

Then, I pass you the happiness of discovering that said bus will only arrive in 11 minutes. AH AH

I'll spare you the pleasure that took us when we had to get into it. Bus totally crowded. But my message to the girls was clear:you have to go up. No matter what.

Live my Parisian life.

So I went all the way with them since they didn't know where to get off or where to walk next, I managed to reach the college in the meantime to prevent the inevitable delay. The traffic jams did not simplify the task of the bus. It's that it's not fun in college, 3 words is an hour of glue. Most of the students already have at least two of them... frankly, it bothered me that they took one because of transport problems, especially since they were all super early (an hour before class time to one of them for a 20 minute ride, it's still a bit nerd)

My preteen cuties thanked me warmly. They clearly wouldn't have known what to do WITHOUT ME.

Write it down:yes, at 11 and wheelbarrows of buttons, we still need mom!!


It was the positive page of the day in the life of a pre-teen mom.