Family Best Time >> Family

Are you a fan of positive pedagogy? Yes Yes of course.

"Benevolence" "Positive Pedagogy". Are you a fan of positive pedagogy? Yes Yes of course.

How beautiful are these words. How beautiful are these educational values, aren't they?

Well yes.

it sounds sweet, it sounds ugly little clouds chased by the beautiful and warm sun

it smells of field flowers and warm sand

it just sings

No, but really.

I try.

For example, the other evening, the preteen asks me nicely (since she wanted to obtain something eh) the authorization to use the tablet.

My benevolent self, at ease (let's name him Blaise) replies, "Of course my dear!" »

My benevolent me, but hey, don't take me for a 3-week-old rabbit either, continues:"30 minutes"

30 minutes later, Blaise passes a benevolent head, since he is only benevolence, in the tween door.

"Looks like the 30 minutes has gone there, doesn't it? »

Innocent that Blaise.

With that, the 11.5-year-old says "yesssssss I'm just finishing something mom »

So Blaise decides to stay benevolent and look up the dictionary of benevolence to find out what this "thing" might be.

(Blaise the benevolent is a bit nian nian, I forgot to tell you)

(But he's nice. And benevolent)

17 minutes later (Blaise has a Swiss watch)

My benevolent and I a tad less comfortable than Blaise iron a head. It's that we have a doubt with Blaise.

I think he has it in the Q (let's call him Lulu) and he is convinced that by opening this door, we will find the obedient preteen, FAR from the tablet.

We will then say that she just forgot to bring it back to the living room. Which is not serious at all, we agree. Blaise or not.

We are not boors.

Except that.

Lulu won.

I decide to stay zen and CARING (but with capital letters).

"Honeyeeeeeeee it seems, if I'm not mistaken, that your thing to finish is a really very very very long thing to...finish so is it?" I can understand, moreover, Blaise and I understand completely, your need to finish something started, it's important, it shows your great ability to get things done, your seriousness AND your concern for the good TO DO. »

Well, in real life I asked her if she didn't care a bit about me.

To which, she retorted that "it's okay huh, I told you I was finishing something »

I smashed my benevolence against a wall - because we're not allowed to spank huh - and I snatched the tablet from his hands.


I promise, I'll try again next time.

And go (re)read this awesome post by Sabine on well-tired parenthood 🙂