Family Best Time >> Family

Mom, where are you now?

I don't know if I'm one of the few, but I felt like a really bad mother again today because of my own negligence. I'll tell you why. Lotte has been on crutches for 2 weeks now because she twisted her knee band during gym class. There went our ski holiday again 😉 . But apart from the skiing holiday, I have been completely 'sucked up' by the care position for the past 2 weeks. Don't get me wrong… I do that with love and pleasure for my girl. Generally. But sometimes it comes out of my throat. Or do I just forget. Just like today.

Today was the day I felt like a bad mother again

This morning I took Lotte to school at 08.30, just like the past 2 weeks. Of course I have already let the dog out beforehand (because it can't hold up otherwise) and fed the pigs and goats (otherwise the pigs will scream all over the neighborhood).

At noon Lotte would just eat at home, but because she normally also regularly stays over at school (on Mondays and Tuesdays) and stays for dinner with a friend (on Thursdays) I had TOTALLY forgotten about them.

At 12:10 my phone rang. When I picked up my phone 'School Heijcant' appeared on my screen and I still thought 'what is going on now?' could stand on her feet. Until I heard my daughter's voice.


Yes dear?

Will you come and pick me up?

Oh shit! Completely forgot she would eat at home at noon!

Forgot to pick up your child

And I must confess, it's not the first time I forget. Bad enough, it happens to me sometimes. As a mitigating circumstance, I can inform you that it is undoubtedly because Lotte normally goes to school by bike and also comes home again. And me while just working hard. Certainly from home, but still. I just feel very guilty about it and really pissed off about it. What mother forgets her child? Does it ever happen to you?