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bird crafts; from small chicken to beautiful blackbird

Finally, spring is just around the corner! And after the rain that has fallen from the sky again this winter, we are all ready for that. The only problem:now that the sun is finally shining, we have the corona virus, and we are advised to stay indoors as much as possible. Argh! How are we going to keep our calves indoors? Idea:go crafting birds together. That's how you pass the time! Crafting other things is of course also possible, but in this blog we would like to give you inspiration about birds. Also nice if there are no nasty viruses wandering around, but Dutch storms.

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Craft birds with your kids

Do you also love birds at home? And do you feed them in the winter and in the spring? Super fun and you get a garden full of birds in return. And that in turn helps against all kinds of other critters in your garden, which you may not be waiting for. Your bird friends fight insects, and even clear your garden from processionary caterpillars (the great tit). What else do you want?

If you are going to tinker with birds with your children, they can also immediately learn which birds are there, which is nice. Actually quite educational such a craft project.

Crafting with paper, felt and paint

We have blogged about the popular knitting book by Arne and Carlos before. They have turned bird knitting into a true art! But they may be more projects for experienced knitters. Don't let that stop you:there are plenty of other fun ways to make bird crafting a breeze, fun crafting for Easter too! We didn't come up with the crafts below, by the way, so all credits go to their creative makers.

All birds on a stick

Doesn't this immediately make you very happy? Even though Easter is long gone, these cheerful whistlers can simply linger and immediately provide some color in the house. Twist some wire in an arc around the stick. You can then decorate it completely with crepe paper or colored fabric. You can use all the materials from the craft supplies, so be creative! We found this idea on Mamaliefde's Pinterest board.

You can find the birds themselves here

Happy fliers

The above birds are also easy to craft, which makes this a fun project for the little ones. In the example above they are made of fabric, but of course you can also just craft them from paper to make it a bit easier. Cut out nice shapes, and decorate them with markers or paint if necessary. Finally, thread or glue them to a colored thread. We found this craft idea here.

Make a beautiful blackbird

A nice project for the older children who love crafting birds. With some colored paper and a good portion of creativity you can go a long way! And who knows, maybe you can imitate some other birds from the garden? In any case, this blackbird turned out well.

The wings may be a bit tricky to come up with, but if you follow the pin below, you'll be fine. This way you can see that you can just work with glue edges.

Create your own mobile with birds

Another fun craft! And it immediately provides a beautiful decoration for your home. This is how you bring the birds indoors. It is extra nice to use a nice branch for your mobile, which you can simply take from the forest. Do you immediately have a good reason to get some fresh air! We found this mobile on Freubelweb.

Handpainting:make a pink flamingo

This is also a great idea if you are going to make bird crafts with younger children. How many times have you received such beautiful hand-painted crafts from your child that they made at school? Even the littlest ones can make their own bird art in this way. Especially if mom or dad lend a hand, it should be all right! And who doesn't love those pink flamingos? Although you can also make a beautiful peacock with your hand. Let go of your fantasy!

Craft birds with clothespins

Who says it's hard to put together a little flier? You really only need clothespins, some feathers and colored paint. You can make the eyes yourself with paint, or buy ready-made as in the example above. In any case, this project will certainly provide a lot of crafting fun!

Making whistle blowers from empty bottles

This is what I call recycling! Just use your empty bottles to make such a happy chicken. This also immediately results in cheerful tinkering children. And a nice end result! A typical win-win-win situation.

Make birds out of felt

These birds are super fun to craft for Easter, for example. You can put such a bird on a stick together in a vase, or simply insert it somewhere loose. Nice to cheer up your plants, for example.