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Our Wednesday mornings, alone

College requires, the 11.5 year old now has the obligation to get up early on Wednesday for 4 hours of lessons.

The Little Big has another quiet year to be able to hang out in pajamas. And believe me, he enjoys it.

Ok...Let's enjoy .

Since September, every Wednesday morning I alternate between sweet moments, laughter, complicity, but also annoyance and guilt.

There are Wednesdays when I hardly hear it. He plays alone, calmly, I see him pass in his pajamas next to my office corner. We have a big hug, we have breakfast together and everyone goes about their business.

And there are Wednesday mornings when… at 9 a.m. I find the chess set ready on the coffee table and I hear:“it’s your turn to play! »


Wait there… I'm having a coffee (and opening one eye)

I'm not talking to you about the morning I lost at Labyrinth. At 8:45 a.m. No, it's better not.

And then there's every Wednesday when the doorbell rings that annoying little thing that we try so hard to suppress. But whoever invites himself, imposes himself. Regularly.

Madam Guilt.

I'm here, but I have to work.

It is there I would like to take advantage of it.

He knows this, but obviously can't help but "bother" me.

So, I zap, I go from one activity to another. If I decide to take 30 minutes for a game of chess, I put my phone aside. Finally I try at the beginning. Then I do it because I realize I'm getting beaten up.

And that is not (yet) going to be possible, huh. Oh!

More seriously, I organize myself. On Wednesday mornings, even on my own, even overwhelmed with work, I try to take advantage of him, face to face. Because he's growing up so fast. I have the example of her big sister under my nose, I KNOW. It's not a myth. College changes a lot of things. I plan well in advance, I stay alert for emergencies, I am present… but for both aspects of my life at the same time. And, I get back to it when he is at the sport in the afternoon, then in the evening.

And so far, I'm fine. If I can't keep up this pace, I'll look for a babysitter, but Madame Guilt is stopping me right now. The villain. Or not.

In fact, being a mom is really having your bottom between two chairs all the time, isn't it?