Family Best Time >> Family

This is the story of a snow globe

It's the story of a snow globe and a (a little too) sensitive mum that I'm going to share with you today.

Because this story touches me. Because it's me. In full.

Once upon a time there was a snow globe. Brought back from Oxford by my Little Grand. Paid with her pocket money during her first language stay in England.

He was terribly attached to it.

One day, while his sister, he and I were having a rather animated discussion in his room on a subject that I have completely forgotten, my 11.5 year old accidentally dropped the snow globe on the floor. .

A stupid accident.

But terrible.

Immediately my heart split into 1000 pieces, like the snow globe.

In a quarter of a second, all the emotions crossed this room. It was awful.

My daughter was crying with guilt. She kept repeating, "I'm just a fool." Like a robot.

The little one was crying with deep sadness. He kept saying, "My snow globe!! It's my favorite, you know why you touched it! .

Tears still well up in my eyes as I write these lines. I know, it's totally stupid, but I cried too. Wept to see them both so upset. My empathy for both. I knew my chip hadn't done it on purpose and that she had broken her brother's heart. He is so sensitive. So attached to certain little "things" that seem like nothing. Including this snow globe. Oh that, to clown around, he's there, but there you go, he's hyper sensitive... too.

I cried, I didn't know what to do.

I then attended the most beautiful scene of my life as a mother of siblings.

My daughter apologized, she hugged her brother, still crying. Stopped his anger in his tracks, he took it upon himself with incredible strength for a little 9-year-old man. He said, "It doesn't matter. I don't blame you, you didn't do it on purpose." Still crying, my grandma told her she would buy her one again.

I took everyone in my arms. General hug obligatory.

And I picked up the snow globe and heart pieces.

I could have stopped there.

But then, I was so touched. By his sadness, by his guilt, by their efforts above all.

Over the next few days, I scoured the Net. Sky and earth. Google. Nothing. Impossible to get your hands on this snow globe.

So I did what parents do when looking for a lost cuddly toy. I tried everything. I wrote to my contact for the language stay in England.

She was to go to Oxford a few days later. I took a picture. I sent him.

Magic of the web, magic of the heart. She didn't think I was crazy. Finally I think.

She found the snow globe.

She just arrived.

I am the happiest of moms.

And the most pathetic too.


(Thank you very much Catherine)

This is the story of a snow globe