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A last minute birthday for my daughter!

A last minute birthday for my daughter!

Very overbooked mum, my little chip caught me off guard when she asked permission to celebrate her nineth birthday at home, just a week before the date. She was so cute that I didn't have the heart to say no to her. I'll tell you how I got out of it.

Tailor-made animations

Seven days away from my eldest's birthday, I thought I was never going to make it. However, since I had already committed myself, I could no longer turn back. So, to make this afternoon an unforgettable day for my daughter, I had the ingenious idea of ​​organizing a real puppet performance at home . Indeed, since childhood, the choupinette has been fascinated by this type of show.

I won't tell you about his joy and his emotion when the professional started installing a small castle in the garden to accommodate his string puppets. And, as I surprised her, she only found out at the last minute. I would like to thank the service provider who has shown great professionalism. He immediately knew how to monopolize the attention of the children present. It's crazy the number of shows for children that artists can imagine! This is why I particularly applaud his creativity and his sense of humor.

We had a great time, very friendly in good humor and cheerfulness. Moreover, I had no trouble finding a professional children's entertainer at the last minute. I came across a site where I could directly request a quote from the puppeteers I was interested in. And only four days later, I signed up with a service provider.

The keys to a successful birthday express

A last minute birthday for my daughter!

Often, we argue with the children about the number of people present. With my daughter, from the moment she only wanted to have her best friends by her side, we did not need to draw up a guest list. This reduced the number of guests to seven. As a result, I was spared the chore of invitation cards, because a call to the parents was enough.

What's more, it was a birthday party, not a slumber party. For the decoration, since the party was taking place outside, I especially focused on the decoration of the table. The little chip immediately imposed its theme on me, namely the Snow Queen. I was inspired by this Walt Disney cartoon. It really made my job a lot easier since I found tablecloths, plates, glasses and napkins to throw away with pictures of Anna and Elsa very easily.

Finally, as for the snack menu, exceptionally, I served them an orgy of sweets, sweets and delicacies. Candies of all colors and all shapes, macaroons, cupcakes, tarts. The drinks, on the other hand, were all natural juices. And the main attraction of the buffet was of course the chocolate fountain.