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One hell of a pajama party for my second daughter!

One hell of a pajama party for my second daughter!

With us, the pajama parties follow one another, but are not alike. While for my eldest it was rather calm, this is not the case with the second. The fault is undoubtedly the exceptional presence of too many children at home.

Solve the bedding issue first

If I refer to the excitement and the attention given to the organization of the pajama party of my youngest, it was undoubtedly THE evening of the year. Since we gave it our green light, that is to say two months before D-Day, we only talked about the event at home. And everyone had to get their hands dirty at the risk of incurring the wrath of the little one. As for me, I was initially mainly concerned about a big logistical problem.

Indeed, as the main interested party was planning a dozen guests, I was suddenly short of beds and bedding. Moreover, as it was in the middle of winter, pitching tents in the garden was not at all possible. And that's when I remembered the large, but above all the comfortable emergency foam mattress of my best friend, who happily lent me hers. However, to definitively solve the problem of the lack of beds, I still bought another inflatable mattress with an automatic inflation system.

Good preparations again and again

But if this evening was crowned with success, it is because we had prepared well in advance. And the very first thing to do was to make sure that all of my daughter's friends were there. For that, I had to convince the parents. I assure you, it was the most difficult task. But afterwards, I had a precise idea of ​​the number of guests, allowing me to adapt the preparations according to this important parameter.

One hell of a pajama party for my second daughter!

Afterwards, I had to take care of the meal, more specifically the dinner and breakfast menus. But since the girls planned to do a marathon of their favorite television series, I served them a small TV platter consisting of macaroni and cheese with pancakes for dessert. But before opting for this dish, I of course made sure that everyone liked it.

The importance of activities and entertainment

Finally, with the child, develop activities and entertainment to keep everyone busy, because even if the movie night was part of their program, there was also no question of leaving them too much time in front of the TV. . This is how the youngest's pajama party began with a make-up session orchestrated by the big sister, followed by a very funny game of twister.

She then continued by making bracelets with Rainbow Loom rubber bands. On the other hand, in order not to make them stay up too long - I had promised the parents - I defined the time to go to bed, even if there was no school the next day. That's why around half past one in the morning, lights out and everyone sleeps.