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Cool ideas for a party in group 8

The party of the golden group 8. Little girls grow up. Very large. And way too soon. Suddenly our baby daughter turned twelve and she is in group 8. Twelve years old! That means a party! No more children's parties in which a fun treasure hunt is set up. No, a real party! A very fat one! With DJ and glitter dresses! Need inspiration? Feel free to read along!

Group 8 is mainly dominated by the choice of secondary school and farewell. Likewise with us. Our girl is having such a great time in primary school, you wish her the same in secondary education. But while we read through all the school brochures, our princess was mostly busy organizing a party. When, with which friends and at which location are you going to celebrate? The first choice that had to be made was with whom. This choice was made quickly. A party was held with her two “besties”. In the winter.

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The party in group 8; tips to organize the coolest party ever

The date was set. Now steps can be taken. This way you can record the location and determine the theme. Because that's part of it, a theme. More on this later! Given the date, it will in any case not be a garden party. The father of one of the party numbers made a space available in his business premises. How nice, because that saves costs. Of course you don't have to move to another party location. You can also celebrate it at home, but then your living room must be large enough. And with those large groups today, this is quite a challenge.

Other locations where you can inquire, for example, are neighborhood, scouting or clubhouses, party halls or cafes. Well, it doesn't matter where you celebrate it. If you decorate the room completely in the chosen theme, it will even be cozy in an old barn.

1. Your party and the chosen theme

A hip party nowadays has a theme. For example, the theme of the first group 8 party of this school year was “Black and White”. With this, Sens8 . fell tion White as the theme. We as mothers thought this name was fantastic and in our minds we went all out on the decoration, invitation and clothing. But hey, the girls are the boss. The mothers also suggested a real winter party. After all, it was winter and what with après ski music it is a party. But this theme was also not approved by the ladies.

Fortunately, there are a lot of other cool themes for children from group 8 for their party, such as:

  • Neon party, dancing with these cool colors in the disco light is really a cool sight.
  • Fairytale party, dressed as your dearest fairytale character you will experience a magical evening.
  • Hollywood party, dressed up as your favorite Hollywood star or in the colors of the American flag. It's all amazing!
  • Beach party, with a flower garland and party in slippers until you can't anymore.
  • Pyjama party, first party in your favorite pajamas and then roll into your bed.

Our party numbers were of the opinion that by reaching the 8th grade and the age of twelve they had achieved gold. You cannot get any higher in primary school. The theme was known. It became a golden party † Dress code:“a touch of gold!”

You will find nice golden streamers here and for golden balloons you can go here.

2. Online invitations for the party of group 8

As soon as the date, location and theme are known, you can make the invitations. It is important that you hand these out on time, because otherwise a classmate may be ahead of you or there are children who have other obligations † If you now have a period in which many classmates have their birthday, it is useful to discuss in advance who is throwing a party and when.

An invitation can be made yourself, but we chose to design a card on the internet. With a photo of the girls. One photo from five years ago, and one from now. Naturally, the card was provided with gold dots and gold letters.

It's nice if the invitation is themed. For example, there is now a very nice paper slipper on the bulletin board. This is the invitation to a cool beach party.

3. Good preparation is half the battle

A lot has to be arranged. Music, groceries and games. The first thing to do is to set a budget. There were three of our ladies, so the budget is a bit bigger. Let the children watch and think about the costs. For example, such a party meeting is not only great fun for that group of 8-ers, it is also instructive.

4. Music from local heroes

You can put together a very cool playlist yourself. If the budget allows, you can also hire a DJ. Our golden girls really wanted this, but were afraid it was too expensive. Time to make it clear that our budget was not enough to fly Martin Garix in. We contracted DJ Wicked, because a local hero was an option.

5. Messages for the party

What kind of groceries do you get for a party? We had three different kinds of soda and orange juice. Of course, some chips and candy really complete the party. While we thought it was hopelessly old-fashioned, the ladies also wanted a cheese and a sausage. One golden mama had made beautiful cake pops as a surprise. Of course with a touch of gold. The bar service of such an evening is best left in the hands of sisters and/or brothers. Better than those curious parents who think they're 18 and can sing (and dance) all the songs!

6. Game during a party for group 8? So yes!

Spell?! So yes. Games are played during a party in group 8. Not all children are swinging on the dance floor all evening. A game in between provides a nice variety. There is a game, bottle spinning, which is very popular at the moment. The children sit in a large circle and spin the bottle. The one at which the bottle stops has to perform a command that is predetermined.

The ladies didn't want the party to shit (who would they have that 😉 ) and not sit on the floor all the time. The bottle was therefore replaced by a grab bag. It contained notes with the names of all classmates. Multi-purpose, because they can be used with every game. Think of games and assignments such as “give a hug”, “dance with”, “kiss on the cheek of” and “sing a song”. But limbo dancing is still fun. And present a quiz with questions about the class and school. Guaranteed success.

7. The finishing touch for your party

The afternoon before the party was long. The golden girls could hardly wait. The party room was decorated. There were gold-colored streamers and lanterns. The plates, cups and straws had gold dots. The DJ set up his turntable, disco lights and smoke machine. Hairs were braided or put in a curl. Nails were painted gold and the dresses were ready. You will understand that the three party numbers were not just for a touch of gold. no way. The three ladies all had the same dress, full of gold glitter. They were shining from head to toe!

Let's get the party started

Almost 8:00 pm. party time! The classmates of group 8 trickled in for the party, all with a "touch of gold". The DJ softly put on some background music. The club was complete and the party was opened. With confetti poppers! Where we thought we had to send something in here, turned out to be the opposite. Our golden girls took matters into their own hands. Or rather, the microphone. The grab bag was used to give the presents. Everyone waited neatly for the note with his or her name to come out of the barrel and then handed over the present. And how spoiled they are.

Then there was dancing, drinking and snacking. Lots of candy. The evening went without a hitch. The golden girls reached for the microphone as the party threatened to collapse. Together with the DJ it was a golden team! Good music, the right atmosphere, everyone had a good time. The teacher of “the best class jeever” had also stopped by. She enjoyed the partying children as much as we did. Because we parents could only enjoy. When you see 24 children having so much fun together and having fun, you can only be proud. Super proud.

Clap to the fire arrow

It was almost 11:00 PM. The party was coming to an end. Time flies when you're having fun. But if you're throwing a golden party, the party shouldn't go out like a candle. That's why we had arranged some fireworks to top it all off. A great ending. A flare for every golden girl! We didn't have to take control of this either. The girls walked to the cloakroom in polonaise at eleven o'clock. Put on your coats and go outside, where the fireworks were ready. A smashing finale! We thought the party was over. The party numbers of group 8 really thought differently about that. They went back inside where it was concluded with "Brabant" from Guus. They all sang along in a large circle.

This was the moment that brought tears to my eyes. How I wish this class could stay together forever. That group 8 just becomes group 9. Don't choose high school just yet. But that's not how it works. These fine children are going to discover the world, they are spreading their wings. The fantastic course of this evening showed that these children are ready! High schools, you're getting some great new students next year! They come from a class with not just “a touch of gold”. No, this class is gold!

If you have any other great ideas for a group 8 party, be sure to let us know!