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say ate me; the way teenagers and adolescents bully each other

Have you heard of the app Say at me? I got a call from a friend who informed me about this. And I was shocked.

Positive and negative feedback via Say at me

The app that is mainly used by teenagers and adolescents is actually intended to give each other feedback. However, this can be done anonymously. And we all know what happens when feedback can be given anonymously. Apparently it is not necessary to remain nice, as is apparent from the messages sent in the Say at me app. Children are not frugal when it comes to negative feedback and the foul language flies over this social media app to so-called friends.

The AD wrote about it a year ago, but the use of Say at me has not diminished. In fact, in secondary schools the app is the most commonly used means of venting negatively. To curse and curse and kick someone else completely into the ground.

Feedback app provokes bad luck

As mentioned, the app was designed to ask acquaintances for feedback. Incidentally, there is another app that does something similar,

And yes, feedback can be positive and negative, but the way this feedback app is used now seems to lead to digital bullying. I also asked about it here at home. With us, both children Say ate don't know me, although the oldest is completely in the right age category. But guys might be a little less concerned with this sort of thing. He prefers to play fun games 😉 like Fortnite for example.

However, I have since learned from up close that it is a widely used app at his school. And that its use is getting completely out of hand. I can only hope that my children are wise enough to stay far away from this. And talk to them about it. Just like Wanda already wrote a blog about alcohol under 18, here too it is a matter of talking and hoping that they are honest with you. After all, children have to learn what the consequences of their behavior and that of others are, and that can only be done by talking about it together.

Do you know the Say at me app and if so, what are your experiences?