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KidsQuote app:the tip for children's sayings, photos, drawings and videos

Children; they are sometimes like little artists. On paper, if they let their creativity run wild. But children can also do real tricks with words. How often does your child blurt out a beautiful statement from such a real KidsQuote? And what do you do with those children's statements? Writing down in a notebook? Or do you turn it into a Facebook post? Or do you write them on a loose piece of paper that then swirls around somewhere?

With the KidsQuote app you can save all your children's sayings. But you can also save their drawings, photos and videos. I actually think it's a super nice app and I'm very enthusiastic about it. I only wish I had it thirteen years ago 😉 . Here you can read more about the possibilities of this great app for (grand) parents.

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Capture children's sayings in the KidsQuote app

Braces are "caught teeth". A scooter is “a chopped off car”. Children are sometimes real language artists. There is nothing like South African. Ideally, you would save all those statements on your hard drive. But that becomes impossible after about 18 years. And what about all the photos and videos on your smartphone? What do you do with that in the end? Last but not least, many children's artwork eventually disappears into old paper. Especially around the Sinterklaas season. And we all understand that very well, after all, you can't keep all children's sayings and drawings. Or is it?

Do you always think it is such a shame to - with a heavy heart - clean up the cupboard with drawings? From now on you can make a handy backup of all that memorable children's art. Interspersed with beautiful photos of your mini-me, and his or her children's statements of course.

KidsQuote app:all children's sayings and art bundled

If your child blurts out something again, you will see that you do not have a notebook with you. Maribel González Zwart, mother of four, also experienced this all the time. What do you always have on hand? Yes, a cell phone. Maribel noticed that she started to use Facebook more and more as a kind of scrapbook. Quite handy, but with four children with all their own child statements, the overview was quickly gone. And moreover, some statements and photos simply do not have to be shared with the whole world. So she thought of that.

Maribel has developed the KidsQuote app Speciaal especially for parents developed. You can save all memorable children's statements on it. And you can also save photos of their drawings there. Oh, and of course photos and videos of themselves. In the long run, this creates a very fine timeline. Over the years you see your children grow (and their drawing talent too). A cool app, the KidsQuote app, especially if you have very small children. Oh, also nice:the app is free.

Children's statements and privacy

You don't have to share some of your kids' statements with the rest of the world. This is especially true for photos or videos. A nice advantage of the KidsQuote app is the privacy. You choose whether you want to share uploaded files. Or would you rather keep it to yourself. Photos, videos and saved statements are encrypted, so that security is guaranteed. Something we no longer have to rely on with most social media… And that's a nice idea when it comes to your children, isn't it?

Sharing is allowed, but not required

Do you want everyone to enjoy that funny slip of your mini-me? Then you can share it on social media in no time. That's the beauty of the KidsQuote app:sharing is allowed, but not required. As a parent you decide that for yourself. And your child won't mind if certain photos don't end up on Instagram, we think. How do you actually deal with that? What do you share, and what not?

Always have a 'notebook' at hand

In the KidsQuote app you can create an account for each child. This way you save all statements and special moments. And in 10 years you will still know exactly whether it was your son or daughter who called your belly an island. You always have your phone at hand, so it is ideally suited as a 'hard drive' to store all those special children's statements.

It will be super fun if you keep this up for a few years. Then you get a wonderful overview of all your children's (word) art over the years. And that brings back piles of great memories. You will be able to laugh about that together later!

KidsQuote app benefits in brief

What is so useful about this app is just a short summary for you:

  1. Capture children's sayings
  2. Create and save pictures of drawings
  3. Create and save videos and photos
  4. Create photos with milestone stickers
  5. Excellent privacy guarantee
  6. You decide whether or not to share on social media or by email
  7. Everything in one place
  8. The age of your child is automatically linked to what you save
  9. With kids management you can easily add your children so that you record everything per child
  10. Beautiful layout <3
  11. You can choose to share your quote with KidsQuote for a chance to win great prizes, but you don't have to

KidsQuote app under development

The KidsQuote app is still under development. That's promising, because we already like it! If all goes well, you will soon be able to have a booklet printed with your digital scrapbook on paper. Or make a video of all the drawings or holiday photos. We are looking forward to it, but until then you can also enjoy yourself with the app. Saving, sharing and retrieving precious moments has never been easier! Have fun with it, in the coming years.