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Our commitment to Action Enfance

Our commitment to Action Enfance

A few weeks ago, the ACTION ENFANCE foundation proposed to several "influencers" (good without this term displeasing to me) to help them relay their missions and in particular to make known to our readers/followers/subscribers (cross out the useless mention ) operation ACTION ENFANCE makes its cinema.

I thought… 3 minutes and since I had some free time left between 3 and 4:30 in the morning, I of course said yes!

Obviously I wanted to give time and space here and on my social networks for these children!

So I'm telling you what I already explained a little on intagram, but in more detail (No, blogs aren't dead, long live blogs for posting long posts!)

It is more particularly within the framework of the 2nd edition of "ACTION ENFANCE fait son cinéma" let me intervene.

In 2019, the ACTION ENFANCE Foundation is launching the 2nd edition of “ACTION ENFANCE fait son cinema”.
An educational project, which allows dozens of children and adolescents from the 15 Villages and Homes of ACTION ENFANCE to participate in the creation of 15 short films made by film school students (EICAR, ESRA, 3is and CLCF). The opportunity to introduce them to new professions and why not give birth to vocations!
This operation helps to instil, in each Children's Village and Foyer, an ambitious and rewarding dynamic for young people. At the heart of a creative project, they will be both actors and directors and will live the experience like real pros (distribution of roles, casting, location scouting, work sessions, rehearsals, filming, etc.)

Three key words for this adventure:create, have fun and dream!

Nearly 100 children involved in a unique educational project
75 students from the best French film schools
1 imposed theme "What if..."
4 months to make 15 short films of 'a duration of 3 to 4 min
6 weeks (from April to mid-May 2019) to vote online on the dedicated site (votes open to the general public)
1 exceptional jury composed of personalities
1 Gala evening in Paris which will reward the 2 best films

At the end of February, I went to one of the filming locations, in the 77, near Melun with the children from the Clairefontaine home. A unique experience that I wanted to share with my pre-teen and my teenager. Indeed, on vacation, I wanted my privileged little ones to realize a little about their conditions and that they, too, give a little of their time for others! Great day:in the morning, we were able to discover the "behind the scenes" of the filming which took place in the forest (the script speaks of a zebra child who has trouble finding his place because of his difference). It is impossible not to notice the patience of the young amateur actors, their involvement, but also that of the different professions present on the "set":from the director to the soundman, via the cameram and the make-up artists. It is the students of the EICAR film school who manage this short film with enormous professionalism, but not only. We really feel a closeness with the children of the home, a strong empathy. The students told me that they took great pleasure in carrying out this project, useful of course for them for their learning, but also extremely rich in human terms!

Our commitment to Action Enfance

Our commitment to Action Enfance

Then, we were welcomed by the Director of the Clairefontaine home, where several dozen children live, in "pavilions" of a maximum of 6, supervised by teams of 4 educators who take turns with them day and night. The great specificity of ACTION ENFANCE is the fact that they do not separate siblings. So we are dealing with children of all ages. Even babies.

The testimonies he gave us were obviously poignant, difficult, but my children sincerely realized that the problems of these kids who suffered severe deficiencies or worse, unbearable abuse were far from theirs "alas / fortunately". A good benevolent slap this day believe me! I can't tell you how much this man and these women who work for the well-being of these children, for whom it is often the first placement, obviously upset me. It is to them that we must give the Legions of Honor damn it. They do so much for these kids, to restore their confidence in adults...these children who have been deprived of the essential:love and/or the physical protection of their parents.

Well, I wanted to tell you all about it. Soon the short films will be online on the site and you will be able to vote for your favorite! More than a vote, it is above all a gesture towards these children that you will make, the attention that you will pay to them and that they need again and again.

I'll keep you posted on my social media and will update this post regularly until the awards "gala" in May.


EDIT:the films are online, to vote it's here

Our commitment to Action Enfance