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Keeping children busy during the holidays:our tips

Keeping children busy during the holidays:our tips

After a school year turned upside down by the Covid-19 pandemic, the children are happy to be on vacation, without the constraints of confinement. Although they are bursting with energy, our darlings spend most of their time in front of the TV or the tablets. To prevent them from damaging their eyes, I prepare a tailor-made program to keep them busy. Discover the ideas of activities for which I have opted to get the children moving.

Contents 1 The trampoline:an outdoor game very popular with children… and adults 2 Bike rides:a moment of sharing 3 Spending a whole day in a water park 4 Painting and colouring:still popular activities

The trampoline:an outdoor game very popular with children… and adults

In addition to the fun side, the trampoline remains a gentle activity for the joints. It would even improve general physical condition and the lymphatic system. Jumping would thus make it possible to keep in shape in a playful way. Even adults get their money's worth here. Also, finding a child's trampoline was quite easy since I ordered online.

The choice was quite wide between models with or without safety net. The site even offers various accessories such as the protective tarpaulin, the anchoring kit, the protective cushion as well as the essential ladder . In other words, I only needed a few clicks to order the complete equipment.

Since my children are under 10, I was recommended the trampoline with net. This option is ideal when the trampoline is less than 3.60 meters in diameter. Thus, the net prevents the risk of potential falls. Attention, the materials chosen must be of good quality . Make sure the springs are strong enough to provide optimal tension to the jumping mat. And to avoid injuries, children should take turns jumping.

Keeping children busy during the holidays:our tips

Bike rides:a moment of sharing

The weather remains fine, so it would be a shame not to take advantage of it. Also, Wednesdays and Saturday afternoons are dedicated to bike rides. Everyone pedals at their own pace and we take the time to admire the landscape. Moreover, the bicycles even accompany us to the campsite . Once back home, I always try to find a little free time to improvise a bike ride in the park. It's a great way to de-stress and free yourself from negative vibes.

Spend a whole day in a water park

My children particularly enjoy the trips to the water park. Of course, our habits have changed slightly since we must respect a strict health protocol. Nevertheless, these small constraints do not spoil the pleasure. The little ones prefer the fun pools while the older ones like to venture on the giant slides . In short, a trip to the water park once a week during the holidays suits us very well.

Painting and colouring:still popular activities

After a bike ride or a trip to the water park, the little ones like to get busy coloring their books. They also learn to paint and create very pretty paintings for me . I take advantage of this little moment of respite to do household chores. And of course, the older ones find their famous tablets and their video games.

Do not hesitate to introduce new routines too:why not take advantage of this holiday period to cook together ?