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How is it going in the small section of kindergarten?

How is it going in the small section of kindergarten?

Since the little one started kindergarten, the house has become calm and quiet. Accustomed to spending time with their children, some mums get bored and ask themselves a lot of questions about the progress of the little monster day at school.

Organized, but above all structured days

Apart from a few details, the course of a typical day in small section is essentially the same. The start of classes is generally set between eight-thirty and a quarter to nine. This is the time needed to welcome children so that they get rid of their belongings:comforters, pacifiers, coats, backpacks... Bins are specially intended for this purpose.

Introduced to students from their first days in kindergarten, these rituals are essential, because they announce to children that school will soon start. And the mornings are, in most cases, devoted to well-defined activities. Moreover, so that the little ones don't lose their bearings, the rhythms are the same for each day of the week.

Around ten o'clock comes the first break. A short recreation of about twenty to thirty minutes where schoolchildren stretch their legs a little, while having a small snack, in some cases. We then resume activities, until lunchtime, that is to say at half past eleven. Beginning at two o'clock, the afternoons are synonymous with siesta, group leisure and recreation.

What do children do in kindergarten?

How is it going in the small section of kindergarten?

It is only around 4:30 p.m. that the parents can pick up their offspring. Nevertheless, even if the days of the small sections seem very busy, the priority is above all to socialize the children.

The teachers thus accustom them to community life. They are taught to respect others as well as parents. In addition, kindergarten is also about learning and improving language. Through activities that are both educational and fun, or even through nursery rhymes, children enrich their vocabulary and gradually begin to understand the real meaning of words.

The drawing, colouring, painting, collage and modeling workshops arouse their curiosity while stimulating their creativity. This also helps to learn the different shapes and colors. In addition, these manual occupations also develop their motor skills. Finally, during these kindergarten years, the child gradually becomes familiar with letters and numbers, as well as the days of the week.