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What Economical and Balanced Snack to Put in Our Children's Schoolbags?

What Economical and Balanced Snack to Put in Our Children s Schoolbags?

In this back-to-school period, I am thinking about the health of my children in slipping into their satchel an economical and balanced snack, easy to devour!

Say goodbye to individually packaged industrial products! They are expensive, bad for your health (too fatty and too sweet) and their non-recyclable packaging pollutes the planet. I just keep a few in my closet as a spare, no more.

Back to Simplicity

The sandwich of yesteryear

It has proven itself for decades!

Want to save money without wasting time cooking? So, remember to take an extra baguette when you buy your bread at the bakery in the evening.

I choose a bread that is not too thick, which I garnish with a good chocolate bar black or milk. I keep the bread paper bag to wrap it, and voila!

And if I have any unused bread left, I don't throw it away! Cathy has shared her tips for using stale bread here.

To vary the pleasures of my children, I ask them to choose between different varieties of bread :white bread, wholemeal, cereals, nuts, etc.

Love in Their Snacks

When I have time, I prepare them a homemade snack . By unpacking it, they know that I thought of them with Love while preparing it...

What Economical and Balanced Snack to Put in Our Children s Schoolbags?

I choose inexpensive recipes that are easy and quick to prepare :yogurt cake, oatmeal cookies (see the photo above of my delicious cookies), shortbread, chocolate cake, etc. I ask my children what they like and I take out my cake pan!

I buy a snack box (without bisphenol A is better) that I mark with their names, and I include a fruit or compote.

For the drink, teachers often ask for a cup in the name of the child at the beginning of the year, so they can drink water.

And you, do you prepare snacks for your children? What are your economical health tips? Let's talk about it in the comments!