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Send your "love selfies" to WikiLove

Only 4 days left to participate in the contest for the most beautiful "love selfie", launched by WikiLove, the first encyclopedia of love!

Until May 25, date of Mother's Day, symbol of the most tender and powerful love, kiss whoever you want, your mom, your man, your brother, your neighbor, your cat, a poster... Whoever you want we tell you! Then just post your selfie on Instagram, with the hashtag #wikikiss.

The photo with the most likes will be the big winner! The lucky "lover" will thus receive the survival kit for the perfect selfie, consisting of the "Impossible Instant Lab Photo Printer" (a printer that turns your digital photos into Polaroids) and an extendable bar to attach your smartphone and easily take beautiful self-portraits.

Since the launch of the contest on May 11 (Mother's Day in the United States), many photos have flowed onto the social network, including kisses from couples...

…to her child…

…giant stuffed animals…

…or feet…

Wikilove, an online platform to "spread the love"

It was on 14/14/14, at 2:14 p.m., that the Parisian founder Alexis de Maud'huy officially launched - and with great fanfare - his baby, during a spectacular "kiss" FlashMob. A baby then already big, since it already contained 350,000 pages, enriched by Wikilovers from more than 170 countries.

We grant you, the navigation of the site is not the sexiest or very intuitive. But, from music to listen to during love to quotes on first kisses and photos of couples hugging on beautiful terraces, the site at least has the merit of talking about the most beautiful thing in the world:Love. And that feels good…