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14 movie scenes where we run to kiss passionately

Two beings who love each other passionately, running towards each other, beating hearts, preferably in the rain (also beating), all under a vibrant orchestra of violins...

We're ashamed to say it, but this type of scene hits the mark every time, even when it's played by Nicolas Cage (at least, on the days of extreme emotionality when a Nutella commercial brings us to tears).

The directors have understood this well, so they use (and abuse) it regularly. But we allow ourselves to succumb to this ease because letting go is good.

***Spoiler alert***

The most abusive jogging kisses:Love actually

Richard Curtis, the father of Love Actually, is one of those who understood that this juicy violin-racing cocktail made the adrenaline rush and the tears in the hearts and on the faces of the spectators (and the spectators too, we are not no fools).

So he puts it in all sauces, in almost all stories. And the worst part is that it works.

The most prestigious jogging kiss:David and Natalie

Let it be said, David, the British Prime Minister played by Hugh Grant, is not very smart. Ok, he witnessed a scene between the young woman and the vicious President of the United States which could have confused him.

But dismissing her like that, without explanation, sucked. So when he realizes his mistake, he jumps into a limo and goes knocking on every door on his street to find her.

David deserved it:he rowed well before finding his sweetheart. Basically, he is even lucky that she immediately forgave him (we would have rowed him even more). Well, he ran. So…

The most incomprehensible jogging kiss:Jamie and Aurelia

This is the ultimate jogging kiss. This man, played by Colin Firth (in love with Mr. Darcy, don't watch this video), has traveled thousands of miles, learned a new language, to go and propose to a woman with whom he has never been able to hold a conversation that holds up! Love…crazy.

But hey, after all, love is a universal language… And it feels good to see people taking risks. So, we love…madly.

The most treacherous jogging kiss:Juliette and Mark

When we feel the Niagara Falls threatening to come out of our eyes while watching this scene, we keep in mind that:

Juliette just got married! And in a most-romantic-you-die wedding. This does not prevent her from running, of her own free will, to go and roll clogs for Mark, even though her adored husband is a stone's throw away, quietly watching TV at home. The worst ? With this stolen kiss, she gives hope to Mark. But what's wrong with you Juliette?

Mark is the groom's best friend AND best friend. He has a big problem:he's in love with Juliette, and he manifests it in strange ways:by being mean to her, filming her on the sly, then giving her a magnificent declaration when she has just passed the ring finger by his best friend. The worst ? He has the cheek to take the magic of Christmas as an excuse! Here, next time, we'll say this to our man:"Sorry honey, I cheated on you with your best friend, because it was Christmas and we ran"...

:Despite the cries of our good conscience, we must admit. We cry in front of this scene. Blame it on the jogging effect no doubt...

The cutest jogging kiss:Sam and Joanna

A little boy transported by love, ready to defy the authority of the "big ones" to find his little darling, who runs, jumps, avoids obstacles like an athletic runner, under violin tunes that would tear tears from the older ones insensitive… The ingredients are simple but the result is there:we cry while grimacing. And we're not even ashamed.

The most amnesiac jogging kiss:Sex intentions

Better than the greatest potions of oblivion concocted in obscure cauldrons, the jogging kiss is incredibly powerful since it allows you to forget EVERYTHING.

Sebastian Valmont used Annette Hargrove for a childish and extremely perverted game. Not serious ! A jogging kiss and hop, she forgot everything! And so are we… (we really have to be careful about jogging kisses…).

The most "my friends, my loves, my shit" jogging kiss:Love at first sight in Notting Hill

Take your royal cocktail "couple in love+everything separates them+glamour+jogging+airport", add a new magic ingredient, "friends ready for anything", and you'll get that movie scene.

Ultra cliché, but who cares. Spontaneity, love and friendship are values ​​that are good for the heart. That's even how it should be in real life!

The wettest jogging kiss:Four weddings and a funeral

Decidedly, Hugh Grant is a serious "runner lover". In his defense, this time it's not him running, it's Andy MacDowell. The scene is both overwhelmingly simple and ultra-cliché, but it works very well. Except that what we don't say is that the next day, our two lovers had to wake up with a gout in their nose with a 39° fever and camel's breath.

So we are smarter:if we want to declare our love to our man and the weather is acting up, we go home or take an umbrella.

The longest relaxing jogging kiss:Falling in love

Molly (Meryl Streep) and Frank (Robert De Niro) have been in love for a year but life has separated them. When they meet at Christmas, in the same bookstore as the one they met, they only exchange a few words before parting, despite the calls of Molly's light-panel eyes.

Like many men, Frank is a little slow on the trigger. But he will eventually realize his mistake and retrace his steps. And we are still crying. Thank you!

The craziest jogging kiss:Children's Games

Ever since they were little, these two have played a silly game that gets more and more exciting and dangerous as the years go by:"go or not go". So, with the adrenaline rush of the script, the director offers us not one but two love runs:

The jogging of reversed love, when Sophie (Marion Cotillard), ransacks her house, calls Julien then the police accusing the young man of having robbed her:

The jogging of love in the right direction, when after a last blagounette from Julien (to whom we would give two slaps for having pretended to be dead), our two lovers realize that they want to stay together, for the 'eternity…

The bravest jogging kiss:Titanic

There's one thing that can't be said enough about the movie Titanic, and that's how awesome Kate Winslet's character is. Rose is a woman of passion and conviction who is not afraid to publicly challenge all conventions, impresses with her open-mindedness and incredible courage!

Moreover, she risks her life twice to save her beloved. Which proves to us that the expression "Never two without three" definitely means nothing ("Jack, nooo!").

The most intrusive kiss of love:Bridget Jones's diary

At the start of the scene, we can say that Mark Darcy is not lacking in sass! When they are just beginning to date, Mark reads Bridget's diary and, shocked by her descriptions of him, leaves, leaving her in the lurch! For this reason, we would never have gone out to run in the street, moreover in the snow and in panties, to catch up with such a cad.

And we would have been wrong, because Colin Firth always has (or almost) class. he had actually gone to get a new notebook to start a new story and even wraps his sweetheart in her long cozy coat, under the white snowflakes. Like what, sometimes, you just have to follow your heart...

Bridget Jones late by Polissonne-bis

Most "Huh?" » :Family Man

A film with an incredible scenario had to have such a strange ending. Nicolas Cage, transported to what his life could have been had he made different choices, ends up at the airport (of course) to catch up with his sweetheart, and make a statement to her...which would be difficult to place in the real life.

The tears at the corners of our eyes once again prove to us the whole scam of the jogging kiss. The worst ? We don't even blame the directors...

The Original Jogging Kiss:Forrest Gump

"Run Forrest, run!" “These three words marked the history of cinema and allowed the film to mark the spirits even more! No wonder other directors took notice.

Do you have any other jogging kisses in mind? Denounce them in the comments! 🙂