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This HUGE Dog Playing With A Child Should Amaze You :-)

This HUGE Dog Playing With A Child Should Amaze You :-)

Andy Seliverstoff is a 58-year-old Russian-based photographer.

His speciality ? Photos of very large dogs with their young masters.

A striking contrast!

"Little Children and Their Big Dogs" is a wonderful photography project.

It emphasizes that unbreakable bond that exists between young children and their impressively sized dogs.

The photographer spent 4 months taking thousands of photos to compile them into a book which you can find here.

This HUGE Dog Playing With A Child Should Amaze You :-)

Andy has always had a passion for photography, but has recently begun to take the hobby more seriously.

He has a particular fondness for dogs, Great Danes in particular, but also Briards, Newfoundlands and Black Russian Terriers.

This HUGE Dog Playing With A Child Should Amaze You :-)

"I always take a lot of time with the dog in front of my camera so I can detect his personality as best I can," the photographer writes on his website.

This HUGE Dog Playing With A Child Should Amaze You :-)

“Personality and character are unique in each dog. The human aspects that we often recognize in our dogs are, among other things, what makes us feel so close to them and it is this aspect that I try to show in my photos. »

This HUGE Dog Playing With A Child Should Amaze You :-)

I don't know about you, but I love this series of photos with a Hungarian puli and his young master. You know those dogs that look like they have dreadlocks!

This HUGE Dog Playing With A Child Should Amaze You :-)

This HUGE Dog Playing With A Child Should Amaze You :-)

For more info on Andy Seliverstoff, visit his Instagram and Facebook page.