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You should pay attention to this when buying a final exam summary

Using summaries for the final exam contributes to a good preparation for the school exam. By learning a summary you repeat the material, so that you ultimately understand and remember the material better. However, writing a good summary can be quite a time-consuming task. As a teenager this is often difficult. Especially when you don't know where to start. In addition, the exam period is already busy enough, so that there is often no time at all to summarize all the books yourself. Fortunately, you can also buy a final exam summary of certain subjects.

To save time, it is sometimes nice to go for a more efficient option. These days paid summaries are of good quality, so these extracts can be a valuable addition. Buying final exam summaries certainly offers a solution, but what exactly should you pay attention to? To help your teenager prepare for the final exam, you will find a number of tips in this blog post.

Table of Contents

Buy or make-your-own-exam summary

Normally we would say that it is always smart to make a summary for your final exam yourself. But buying can be an option. For example if you are short on time. But also to simply get a different view of the material than you have yourself. Sometimes it helps to read someone else's summary, final exam or not. This way you can go through the material from a different point of view.

Check the tips below if you want to make (or buy) a summary for the final exam. And read more tips about taking your exam here.

Start with the goal in mind when it comes to a final exam summary

In order to know which summary is the best for you, it is important to understand the specified material † You usually hear this from the teacher. In addition, you can usually find the exam program and the course material on the internet. Based on this information, you can estimate the material to be learned. Note that not all chapters of your textbooks are part of the exam

It would be a shame to spend unnecessarily time and money on unnecessary chapters when buying a final exam summary. In addition, the exam period is already busy enough and time is therefore very valuable. By starting with the goal in mind, you can be sure that you are buying the right summary. In addition, you avoid unnecessary extra learning.

Separate main issues from side issues

Now that you have purchased the correct extracts, you can start processing them. First of all, it is important to separate the main issues from the side issues. Mark only the main points from the summary and then summarize these main points in your own words. The details are usually not reflected in an exam and therefore are not important while learning a summary.

To find out the most important things, you can go through the overview again or view the practice questions † This often asks about the most important concepts. Are there no practice questions? Then it helps to have you tested once , for example by your parents, brother or sister. During such a test it quickly becomes clear which subjects can be asked on the final exam. And which subjects need some extra attention.

After creating or buying your final exam summary, mark the most important topics

After separating the main and side issues, you have listed the most important topics from the purchased summary for your final exam. After this it is good to repeat the main material , learn the difficult topics even better and make connections between all topics † It also helps in this phase to take notes while learning the summary † Also try apply the fabric and to be completed where necessary † This stimulates the active learning process.

That is why it is also important to summarize the purchased extract in your own words after buying a final exam summary. By reading everything alone, you learn passively and you do not remember the material. So get to work actively with the teaching material and the extract † Or, for example, make a schematic summary .

If you follow the above tips and you invest enough time in repeating the lesson material, you have the best chance of passing your exam. In any case, good luck, you can do it!