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A new trampoline in the garden; what should you pay attention to when buying your trampoline

It is a purchase that you do not often make, a new trampoline for your children. So if you buy a trampoline, what should you pay attention to when buying? I can now explain that to you in great detail, since we 'need' to have a new trampoline in our new house.

Nothing is necessary, of course, but the trampoline was also included in the sale of our old house. And since our children still like to be on the trampoline, it was not a question for us whether there should be a new trampoline. It was more a question of what kind of trampoline we would choose. After all, our starting points are now very different from our previous house, where we had a child-friendly garden, but limited space.

Table of Contents

What should you pay attention to when buying a trampoline

First of all, you list all your wishes, of course, just like you do with all the other toys. In addition, it is important that you look at the different possibilities that trampolines offer and that number one is the number one… you look at safety!

  1. What dimensions are you looking for and what suits your garden?
  2. Do you want a round trampoline or a rectangular one?
  3. What kind of trampoline edge and which springs are there?
  4. With or without a safety net around your trampoline?
  5. Is the frame thickness still important?
  6. To dig in the trampoline or not?
  7. Warranty and service

1. What dimensions do you choose for the trampoline?

When purchasing a trampoline, you should of course pay attention to the dimensions. If you have small children, you may still be able to get by with a smaller trampoline, but remember that your children are growing. If you want to make a temporary investment and possibly buy another trampoline later, you can suffice with a small one in the beginning. The fact remains that a larger trampoline provides more jumping fun. Personally, I also find it a bit safer because children don't come close to the edge as quickly. You do need to have a bit more balance with a larger trampoline because it has more resilience.

The bigger the trampoline, the more fun jumping with friends. It is not safe to jump on a small trampoline with several children. Admittedly, you also have to be careful with a large trampoline, but with a trampoline from about 3 meters in diameter, more children can jump on it more easily. Please note:Only one person may officially jump on a trampoline.

The dimensions of your garden may also be important when purchasing and choosing the trampoline. The bigger your garden, the easier it is to get rid of a large trampoline.

You can find Etan trampolines at

2. Do you choose a round or rectangular trampoline?

A round trampoline takes up more space than a rectangular trampoline. An important argument that you should pay attention to when purchasing your trampoline.

Because of the space, the latter variant is increasingly coming into view. This trampoline fits particularly well in more modern gardens with sleek shapes. Also read a little further at the springs for a difference between the trampolines so that you can take this into account when purchasing your trampoline and make a good choice. A rectangular trampoline requires more balance from your child.

3. What do you look for when buying a trampoline:edge and springs

The trampoline springs of a round trampoline are stretched equally taut everywhere. Because the tension is the same, this is safer for, for example, smaller children who have less balance; you will be 'driven' to the center of the trampoline. This reduces the risk of accidents.

With the springs of a rectangular variant, the tension is unequal, which has the advantage that you can jump higher. This is also suitable from 6 years, just like the other trampolines, but it is important that your child already has sufficient balance. It is good to keep this in mind when purchasing a trampoline.

With regard to the edge, it is important to make a conscious choice in the material and thickness of the filling. If the trampoline edge is made of PVC (which is the case in most cases) then the following applies:the thicker the better. These edges also have a longer lifespan than a PE edge, namely about three years. Etan also provides a 5-year warranty on the Gold trampolines. The PE edge can often be found with a trampoline that you buy at the local hardware store, it only has a lifespan of about one year. Outside the lifespan, it is of course important for safety that you have a strong edge. This protects your child in the event of a fall and prevents feet from ending up between the springs.

Did you also know that longer springs give a much better jumping quality than short springs? Something else to pay attention to with these outdoor toys.

4. With or without a safety net with your trampoline?

We didn't have a safety net on our previous trampoline. Now – with the new Etan trampoline – yes. Aesthetically, we chose not to install a net on our previous trampoline. Since this was an inground trampoline and the children already had sufficient balance, that was no problem. Because we now have the trampoline above the ground, no net is not an option for me. Way too dangerous!

There is also a lot of difference in safety nets and their attachment. If you go for safety, you also choose a reliable net that your child will not just 'hang' through.

5. What to look for when buying a trampoline; frame thickness

The steel thickness of the frame shows the quality of the trampoline. It may not be the first thing you will consider when purchasing your trampoline, but it is important. As a rule, you see trampolines with a steel thickness of 1.2 – 1.5 mm, but the trampoline we have from Etan has a steel thickness of 1.8 mm! Better quality that lasts longer.

In addition to the frame thickness, it is also good to look at the treatment of the frame. The frames are often powder coated, which eventually comes off. If you have a galvanized frame, you will have a better quality.

6. Do you want to dig in the trampoline or not?

This is of course very personal. I personally think it's better to dig the trampoline in. In addition, it invites (even) more to jump on it. But it is a huge job to dig in your trampoline. And it can no longer be moved.

In our old house the kids ran onto the grass and then hop on the trampoline. Or doing tricks with a run-up, that was all possible. Now that is no longer possible, but the big advantage of this trampoline - which is on the grass - is that jumping is much easier because the air can escape.

This is not the case with an ordinary inground trampoline. An ordinary inground trampoline that you place a little above the ground, so that the air can escape somewhat. In addition to these two types, there is now also the ground-level trampoline type. These trampolines can be buried flush with the ground due to the special air technology that has been applied here. Nicer to look at, but still less jumping comfort.

So:a trampoline on legs that jumps the best. As soon as you can place the trampoline slightly out of sight, I would opt for that. Now you know what to look for when buying a trampoline. Also read this last part to make the right choice.

Dug in and set up your trampoline

I think it's a huge amount of work. We dug in the previous trampoline ourselves. Hours of digging and an -almost- hernia further, that thing could finally go into the ground. While we slumped past the trampoline, our dear son called out 'Mama, come and jump with us'….

You already understand, I couldn't bear that anymore. That is why we chose this time to have the trampoline set up by Etan's burial and set-up service. While we were busy moving, the Etan trampoline was professionally set up, which is great!

You yourself are often tinkering with all the springs in the trampoline, but now the trampoline was ready for the kids on the same day that we received the key to our new house!

Tip:if you do assemble the trampoline yourself… always attach the springs opposite each other, instead of the springs that are next to each other, otherwise you will not be able to do it.

7. Warranty and service on your purchase

It goes without saying that when purchasing a trampoline you should pay attention to the warranty and service that is provided, even if you buy the trampoline online. I am very happy with the delivery and setting up of our trampoline and that saves the necessary stress. In any case, buy a good brand from a reputable webshop, because safety comes first with these types of items.

You can find Etan trampolines at