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The dangerous habits of parents!

The dangerous habits of parents!

34.61% of parents take their baby for a walk between 11 a.m. and 4 p.m., when the sun is strongest! 90.37% of parents do not apply sunscreen to their toddler at the right time. They are still 21.34% to think that sunscreen creams really exist. It is not surprising then that 39.88% of children under three years old have already had sunburn. Repeatedly, these inflammatory reactions of the skin significantly increase the risk of developing skin cancer1. Each year, in France, there are no less than 60,000 new cases of melanoma2.

At the end of a survey which is worrying in some respects, Newpharma, the leading French and Belgian online pharmacy, recalls the basics in terms of sun protection. And this from an early age. The results of the survey on the protection of babies in the sun, conducted by Newpharma with a panel of 1,199 parents, show that most of them think they are doing well. The basic “good practices” in terms of sun protection (regularly applying sunscreen, giving the baby something to drink, putting it under a parasol) are even assimilated. On the other hand, some – and it is even a majority – still take reckless risks. And it is above all because of a lack of knowledge of the right reflexes to adopt.

We can see that:

  • 90.37% of parents do not apply sunscreen to their baby at the right time and 89.33% of them do not renew it enough. However, the product must be given time to form a protective barrier on the skin. Not to mention that, within 30 minutes of application, the effectiveness of sunscreens decreases by 90%;
  • 56.74% of parents do not give their baby sunscreen when they come out of the water. Not only has the cream been "rinsed off", but the water also has a "mirror effect", which accelerates the appearance of sunburn;
  • 75.66% of parents do not protect their babies from the sun's rays on a day-to-day basis. They do it mainly on vacation, at the beach... However, as soon as you leave home, UV rays attack the skin. And this is true even in overcast weather, clouds letting 80% of UV rays through;
  • 37.23% of parents do not choose the right sun protection factor to protect their baby from the sun. In theory, when you apply an SPF30 sunscreen, UVB rays attack the skin 30 times more difficult than if you were without protection. But for that, it would be necessary to spread 2mg of cream per cm2 of skin. In practice, who does it? Therefore, an IP30 index often sees its effectiveness reduced by half, or even by a third. All the more reason to favor sunscreen products with a very high protection factor. And when it comes to the more fragile skin and the health of toddlers, think big:opt for a high protection cream. There is no shortage of textures and formulas, depending on the circumstances, preferences or ease of use:face sunscreen, baby sunscreen milk in a tube, baby lip balm, waterproof children's spray, etc.

Here are some valuable tips to protect baby from the sun. The majority of these recommendations are of use both at the beach and in the mountains, but also at the playground, in the city or behind the car window:

  • Use sunscreen with the maximum index IP50+. To be applied 30 minutes before exposure, then repeat the operation every 2 hours, or even every 30 minutes in case of strong sunlight;
  • Rinse and dry the child when he comes out of the water or has perspired, then give him some cream;
  • During any exposure – therefore including short walks or outdoor games – prefer the hours when the sun shines the least (before 11 a.m. and after 4 p.m.);
  • Put your baby in the shade, ideally under a parasol or behind a sun visor;
  • Make him wear glasses and a sun hat;
  • Dress it in covering clothing, even anti-UV;
  • Protect your baby from dehydration by making him drink water regularly and in small quantities;
  • Sit your baby on a towel rather than on the sand, because 20% of UV rays are reflected by the sand.

This list is non-exhaustive and also valid for… “older children”. Especially since 100% protection does not exist.

The dangerous habits of parents!