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How To Help Your Child Stop Wetting The Bed:My 6 Mommy Tips!

How To Help Your Child Stop Wetting The Bed:My 6 Mommy Tips!

Helping your child stop wetting the bed is the lead to autonomy. Yes, but sometimes it's not as obvious as that. Here are 6 tips to help and advise you.

“You peed the bed again! You are definitely just a baby! » STOP! It often happens that toilet training is acquired later in some children. These small daily gestures can make your life easier:

1 - Don't scold him!

Of course, your nerves are sometimes put to the test:changing the sheets on your bed at 6:00 in the morning, no one envy you! But be aware that scolding may on the contrary increase his incontinence worries, as it can cause stress in the child and nullify all your efforts.

2 - Speak with Him…

It is necessary to play down and communicate:he must in no case be ashamed of himself. He doesn't mean to annoy his parents, he just needs to feel valued to overcome his nocturnal leaks. He must not feel responsible!

3 - Drinking the Day:Yes! In the Evening:No!

It is essential that he drinks enough water (yes, we avoid sodas!), but be careful:from snack time, we reduce his consumption and we avoid the big glass of water before the fateful hour of the sleep!

4 - The Mandatory Pee before Bedtime!

Before bedtime, a little story, pee and sleep! And there, there is nothing to discuss, he has no choice:potty or toilet, it's a non-negotiable step! Once again, we parents are in charge!

5 - I Help Him Become More Autonomous:

Do not hesitate to put a pot near his bed:if an urgent desire is felt at night, it will be all the easier for him to relieve himself. Likewise, easy-to-undo pajamas will make it easier for him.

6 - The “Bedwetting Special” Notebook

But yes, I tested it for my son and it worked! Together, choose a notebook with an attractive cover (Amazon link). Each evening, have him draw a cloud and a sun. The next morning, help him circle the correct picture:sun, no bedwetting, cloud bedwetting. Take my word for it, your child will love collecting suns! A real awareness to help him grow!

Try, test these tips and leave me your comments!