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Help your Child fall asleep with 3 Effective Techniques.

Help your Child fall asleep with 3 Effective Techniques.

Sleep problems are common in children, and it is not known always how to solve them. Here are some simple tricks to calm children down so they can fall asleep more easily.

I tested them on my second son who had particular difficulty falling asleep, and it often helped me. These are tips to apply to the immediate environment, then yoga postures which will bring more calm.

Help your Child fall asleep with 3 Effective Techniques.

Calming the Body and the Spirit

Calm is a prerequisite for a good sleep.

To calm the body , I reduce the stimulation of the senses, by reducing the brightness, the noises and by practicing more peaceful activities.

To calm the mind , I reduce the information received:I make him look at a book rather than TV or a computer. Screens excite and are not recommended before sleep. I also talk to him more slowly and in a lower voice.

Regarding emotions , I try to put the child in a safe situation, I show him my affection, I respect the rituals he needs:cuddly toy, bedtime story, night light.

Some additional ideas

A few simple practices can help the child find calm and will complement these few gestures to calm the body and mind of your child:

. Ahot bath and soft pajamas.

. Listen to soft music or sounds of nature, waterfall, waves or birdsong.

. Breathe in a smell of lavender, which is renowned for its soothing properties.

3 Yoga Poses

These postures are exercises that allow you to play on your breathing without too much physical effort. Practiced every night a few minutes before going to bed, it is a good way to help him relax and stretch for better muscle hygiene.

1. The Cat :knees and hands on the ground, the child digs then rounds his back to the rhythm of his breathing, like a cat. To be done over 3 inspiration/expiration cycles.

2. The dog :feet and hands on the ground, the child forms a triangle with the buttocks in the air. Hold for 3 breaths.

3. The Bear :knees and heads on the ground, buttocks on the heels, arms on each side of the head, as in the fetal position. Hold for 3 breaths.

Now, a big kiss and sleep! Did these little tricks help you put your child to sleep? Tell us in a comment.