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My Child Refuses a Nap:My 4 Teacher Tips.

My Child Refuses a Nap:My 4 Teacher Tips.

For a few days, both at school and at home , your child refuses to take a nap. I experienced this at home, but also at school with a lot of young students. Here are my school tips.

It's hard to force a child to sleep! Yet you think he still needs this rest time. How?


Know first that the need for sleep is extremely variable from one child to another. It can also change in the same child depending on the context. The rule in this area therefore does not exist. First thing to do:

1. Observe your child to know if the nap is really a necessity for him.

If after several days without a nap:

> Loulou seems in great form and that his end of the day is calm

> he is not particularly irritable and does not whine

It's because he doesn't really need to sleep during the day and a good night's sleep is enough for him.

If on the contrary:

> he's pissed

> he is grumpy

it is doubtless that his nap is still necessary!


2. Don't force him to sleep (anyway it's impossible!) but encourage him to rest, lying down, in his room, with a book for example, or a little soft music, or children's songs, or a recorded story.

3 . At school, if the teacher is intransigent and all the children without exception have to go to the dormitory (often for organizational and supervision reasons), and your child blocks this mandatory sleep time, there is always has a way to negotiate.

For my part, I had obtained that my son could look at a book as soon as the others were asleep. In my class, several students had an album in their hands, which they looked at, lying on their bunk:calm guaranteed.

4 . In any case, do not turn this situation into a conflict daily life with your child:the nap must remain a pleasant and beneficial moment, and not the issue of a confrontation. Better for him to rest without sleeping in a serene and relaxed atmosphere than to collapse from crying!

Did you find any solutions to fix this nap problem, or did my solutions help you? Please let us know in the comments.