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Punishing your child with electros(ch)okjes, am I being fooled now?

Punishing a child with electric shocks, a real hype in America and on the rise in the Netherlands! Excuse me? I didn't know what I was reading!! I can't believe my eyes, had to look twice and I still don't understand. Unbelievable… it's really there! For God's sake what are we doing? Electro socks… am I being tricked? It just makes me angry!

So in advance I would like to indicate that I have doubts about the whole story, although I cannot find the contrary anywhere, I also find some reactions too strange for words. Anyway, I just wanted to pass it on to you and I'm still wondering whether this really can be a form of punishing a child.

Punish your child with electric socks

That's how it really is. Can't believe this, where is this going? Nowadays spanking is already seen as child abuse, but punishing your child with electro socks…? Surely that should be banned!!

Read also: raising children and setting boundaries; yelling and punishing is part of it

Consequences of an electric shock

I hope parents realize the consequences of a 230 volt electric shock. At the same time, I'm afraid they don't realize that. The very idea that you envision electro socks with 230 volts to be able to call a child with misbehavior to order… Disrespectful! Children can develop blisters due to this form of punishment, severe blisters and it can cause short-term cardiac arrhythmias. “So only use the button if you really need to,” says Handley. Excuse me??

Educating is one thing

As a mother, I will certainly not deny that parenting is sometimes quite difficult and that you can regularly stick your offspring behind thirty rolls of wallpaper. Punishing your child – if necessary – is therefore not always easy. What's the best way to do that?

Read also: raise your child; 4 apps as a tool

There are regular noises from our lovely fine house, which bystanders will think is a pig slaughterhouse. We don't talk like sweet little mice (intention 2017) but sometimes bellow at each other like raised bears to squelch the umpteenth discussion with a 4- and 6-year-old. That's life! Fortunately, there are still help sites, specialists and educators who can give us as parents the best advice, but those who (I'm just going to stutter) use electric socks… no that's not possible, too bizarre for words!

What do you think, is there something wrong with this article or is it all made up? I can't find anything about it!

Source:Nieuwspaal Used image via Shutterstock