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the Happiness Day Be-Leef Calendar for special mindful moments with your child

Enjoy little things. Conscious living and conscious appreciation. That is often not easy for adults. How often do we get grumpy about little things? Perhaps that's why more and more people are engaging in mindfulness. Very nice, but surprising yourself is no longer easy for some adults. In that respect, we can take an example from our kids. And that becomes very clear with the Happiness Day Be-Leef Calendar for children. Under the motto "learned young has gone old":mindfulness moments for your mini-me with the Experience Calendar!

I was extensively informed by Wytske and Sylvia, who talk passionately about the project they started. Two friends who are full of ideas to provide a bit of amazement in others.

Table of contents

The Lucky Day Be-Live Calendar

The first moment I saw the press release, it was not really clear to me what this product was all about. I was a bit shocked by the price, because I read the word 'calendar'. However, if you think in terms of calendars, you are wrong. This Be-Leef Calendar is a true experience.

What is the Be-Leef calendar for a calendar anyway?

Enjoying the little things and learning something in the meantime:that is central to the Be-Leef Calendar. You can compare it a bit with an advent calendar, because boxes are opened. In the case of an Advent calendar, if you open a box every day, you can open a box every week with this Be-Leef Calendar for a year! Well, your child can do that. But it is nice if you are a little involved as a daddy, mom, grandpa or grandma. Because that's what it's all about, time with and for each other.

Behind each hatch your child will find a note with a real 'experience':an assignment, you know, a yoga exercise, a mindful moment, and so on. In any case, the children's brains are put to work, but in a much nicer way than during homework. In addition, the kids will find a symbolic gift next to the note behind almost every hatch. Super cute.

What do you find behind the boxes of the Be-leef calendar?

What does your mini-me learn from that? Too many to list, with 52 squares in a year. A good example is the snail race. The assignment is simple:pick two snails from the garden and have a snail race with your boyfriend or brother or sister. The idea behind it, and that you read on the card, is less simple. But very educational! Both snails achieve their goal, no matter how long it takes them.

I think that is a wonderful, wise lesson to learn, especially for children. You don't have to reach your goal in the shortest, fastest way, you can also do it in another way. And even though others may find that other way cumbersome, or a detour… apparently it's the way you chose for yourself, and that's good! Not only a great lesson for children, but perhaps also for us!

For whom is the Be-Leef Calendar?

The Be-Leef Calendar is for young and old. Not so much for the old to actually perform it themselves, but to guide your child in the use of this calendar and the assignments that go with it.

As a mom or dad it is very nice to help and in this way to spend quality time with your child, but it is also very nice for grandpa and grandma. You could even make it so that you give it to grandma and grandpa as a present. So that, for example, they get to work with your child during their weekly babysitting day.

How nice!

When do you use the Be-Leef Calendar?

You can start the Be-Leef Calendar at any time. Although there are 52 boxes in it that correspond to the weeks of the year, it is no problem to start in week 20, for example. Then you simply continue in the new year up to and including week 19. It is the intention to stick to the week with the week on the regular calendar. The activities are tailored to the weeks of the year. For example, on the seasons or on certain moments in the year that are fixed.

The Calendar costs € 52.00. A simple sum indicates that for € 1,00/week you create a very nice moment for yourself and your child, or for grandma together with your child. Just as expensive, or maybe even cheaper than a nice ice cream, but just as valuable!