Family Best Time >> Family

Mama's scared, even my little man notices in the shrieking palace

It's pouring rain. I have to concentrate well because the visibility is bad on the road. Behind me are two very enthusiastic children, we are on our way to a play paradise where we have never been before.

“Is it even bigger there?” “Yeah, even bigger,” I answer. Two children scream enthusiastically.

Of course there is no parking space available in front of the door on a rainy weekend, what had I thought when I suggested this outing? Indoor playgrounds are hot. "It's going to be a shower," I joke. The boys are unaware of anything and the two of them step into a huge puddle. I watch the scene, trying not to be bothered by the mud stains on Kleine Man's new Timberlands.

Inside it is dry and screaming loudly. Once we get a table, the boys are gone. We have lost them for the time being.

"Tea?" asks his best friend's mother.

Table of contents

Mommy's scared...

"Mommy, mama…" Little Man comes running wildly enthusiastic, his cheeks bright red. He took off his sweater and socks and luckily he took them with him this time.
'Do you want to come with me in those helicopters?'

I look at the cup of tea that I've only managed to take two sips of. sigh. “Is that necessary?” “Yeah,” screams Little Man. I walk with him and look back at the mother. "Just laugh, you'll probably be the jacket.

I don't like heights

We climb up the stairs. The warning sign clearly states that children up to the age of five must bring supervision. Great then, so I really can't get out of it anymore.

We get into a tiny helicopter and it's only now that I see that you have to cycle to get that thing forward over the rails. Great, this is really going to be my day. There I am:cycling to the ko-le-re in a too cramped helicopter and we don't make any progress. My back hurts, my knees are on my neck, fear sweat is trickling into my bra… but Little Man is howling. He thinks it's great.

"Mom, nice isn't it?" "Fantastic."

Mom is scared. Mom is really scared. Heights and I are not a good combination. I can feel the sweat on my hands. We dangle a few meters above the ground and at every bend – where I have to kick even harder with my knees in my neck and no Little Man is barely kicking along – I hear a crack. I decide not to look down.

In the distance I see the station where we can get off again. My heart rate is twice as high as normal and I feel like my heart is about to pound. I will be so happy when I will soon have my feet on the ground again.


Below me is the boyfriend's mother. She is enthusiastically taking pictures and I'm afraid my horrifying face will look beautiful. Not Insta-worthy.

"Mommy, we can sit still, then we can go again." "Honey, that's bad for the other kids waiting. They also really want to take this exciting ride.' Once again? Then all my stomach contents come out. "Come on, let's go get an ice cream." My legs feel heavy and wobbly.

Little man is scared too

“Did you have a nice day today?” Little Man nods in satisfaction. "It was super fun. Did you like it too, mama?' 'Super fun.' He has to think that his mother is super tough for at least a few more years.

“Sleep well, honey.” I kiss him and dim the light. Then I walk to the laundry room. “Mamaaaaaaaa!” Little Man suddenly screams out of nowhere. I run to him. “What is it?” “I'm so scared alone in my bed.”

“But I'm close, honey.” “Mommy, everyone gets scared sometimes,” Little Man says pedantic. I nod, sitting next to him on the edge of his bed.

“Even you Mama.” “No, not mamas.” “Well!” shouts Little Man fiercely. "You were a really scared shit in the helicopter."

Expensive ride

A week later an envelope falls on the doormat with the logo of the CJIB. I assume it is a fine for Husband, because that is almost always the case. But then when I see my name on the envelope, I tear the bitch open by force.

Thirty-three euros. From when? I see the date and quickly calculate back and conclude that the helicopter ride has cost me dearly. Mom is no longer afraid. Mama is very irritated.

