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How to flirt with a man by message? The (funny) answers of three little girls

After the tips for flirting on Tinder given by little Marius, 6, it's the turn of Nina, Judith and Lulu, aged 5 to 6, to explain to us how texting works with boys. To listen…or not. 😉 Here are some pearls from this video made by
the American site Cosmopolitan:

Question 1:Why do some men write to us very very late?

"Maybe he likes you!" »

"Maybe he's sleepwalking. »

Question 2:Do you know what ghosting is?

"It's when you have a boy and you scare him and you both scare each other. »

Question 3:If I like a guy, can I take a selfie and send him?

"Yes, and he must send you one too!" »

Question 4:"I write to him:I had a great time" and he never answers me...

"I think you should go buy yourself a pizza." Because who doesn't love pizza??! »

Question 5:Do you think we can ask men out?

" Sure !!! »