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5 tips for loving vegetables

5 tips for loving vegetables

Guaranteeing quality food for the French is at the heart of the concerns of the Ministry of Health. In this sense, the PNNS (National Health Nutrition Program), supported by ANSES (National Public Health Agency) has been providing nutrition recommendations since 2001. In particular, it provides for the daily consumption of 5 fruits and vegetables to strengthen health capital.

Vegetables, on the other hand, are not always to everyone's taste and that of many French people Unconvinced of the benefits of a vegetarian diet, ignore their consumption. Unravel right from wrong on in our video and discover our best tips for reconnecting with plant-based consumption!

What are the benefits of vegetables

Vitamin and nutrient concentrates

It is well known, vegetables are good for health, but do you know why? While it is obvious that their low caloric intake weighs in the balance of their benefits, vegetables are also known to be an inexhaustible source of vitamins and nutrients. Vitamin C, vitamin A or even beta-carotene, they offer the body an energizing cocktail that is particularly effective in boosting the immune system. Likewise, their high content of calcium, magnesium and iron helps to strengthen bone density. Finally, the fibers naturally contained in vegetables have significant benefits for the digestive system and intestinal transit.

The veggie trend:fad or guilty pleasure?

More than a mode of consumption, the term “veggie” designates a state of mind that unites three main categories of gourmets:vegetarians, vegans and vegans. What do they have in common? While there are clear differences between these three diets, veggies all choose to exclude all types of meat in their food consumption and eat mainly vegetables. This diet, in addition to being healthy, offers an opportunity to vary the pleasures . In this sense, more and more restaurants are surfing on the trend and doubling their inventiveness to offer ever more original recipes to their consumers. Let yourself be tempted by a tender tofu steak on a bed of quinoa, drizzled with a gourmet vegetable almond cream.

Learn to love vegetables in 5 steps

1. Eat seasonal vegetables

With the arrival of winter and the rarefaction of the sun, the body develops an increased need for nutrients and vitamin C. Did you know that the seasons offer natural means to satisfy the deficiencies of the human body ? In this sense, vegetables rich in minerals such as leeks or cabbage that take over market gardeners' stalls are enough to fill the supply that the body lacked to face the cold days! If you are not fond of this type of food, eating seasonal vegetables is an excellent alternative for a successful appetizer. They are indeed much tastier when consumed at the right time and their high nutritional quality is guaranteed to be intact. Respecting the seasonality of vegetables also means encouraging short supply chains and fighting pollution from imports:one small step for people, one giant leap for the environment!

This winter, eat chicory!

Enjoy a surprising recipe for endive trays with coral lentils and fresh goat cheese . Simplicity, freshness and speed!

2. Taste the variety on the plate

Who said that eating vegetables rhymed with monotony on the plate? Be inventive and decline them in all their forms. Soup, mash, gratin or tart, let your creativity express itself without limits. Why not take the opportunity to bring forgotten vegetables up to date? Warm up with Jerusalem artichoke soup with carrots and treat yourself to a comforting flavor on your long winter evenings.

For a tasty soup :

300 g of carrots, 200 g of Jerusalem artichokes, 3 laughing cows, 1 clove of garlic, 1 chicken stock cube!

3. Dare sweet and savory combinations

To get used to the taste of vegetables, dare to go sweet and salty! The bitterness and acidity contained in certain fruits will be enough to enhance the taste of your vegetables and will bring amazing flavors in the mouth! You don't need to be an expert in the kitchen, try a simple but effective sweet and savory eggplant and filet mignon recipe!

Get cooking!

The recipe for eggplant and filet mignon is impossible to miss!

500 grams of pork tenderloin cut into thin slices, two large aubergines, soy sauce, honey and a seasoning of choice:bon appetit!

4. Consider the seasoning

Are you one of the irreducible people who think that vegetables have no taste? There's nothing like spicing up a vegetable dish than taking care of its seasoning. A skillfully dosed addition of spices, salt or pepper can completely reverse the trend in culinary recipes. Also think of the herbs that bring exoticism and colors to your dishes:coriander, tarragon, chives, basil, etc. Play with flavors and enjoy a tagine of vegetables delicately simmered with sunny spices.

The sun on your plate in 60 minutes flat!

Zucchini, carrots, onions, vary the pleasures with seasonal vegetables and sunny southern spices.

5. The children in all this?

Children and vegetables do not always go well together and many parents are desperate to familiarize the palate of their offspring with these healthy and balanced products. Taste comes through habituation , that's a fact ! In this sense, vegetables should be offered to children from an early age in different forms:mashed, crushed or steamed vegetables. If cooking differences can help toddlers gradually accept vegetables, varying the products is the essential key to succeeding in this supposedly impossible mission. Do not hesitate to mix the vegetables with foods that they particularly like and offer a fun presentation on the plate. Play with shapes, colors and highlight the selected products using a worked staging. Finally, if the results are not conclusive, do not force your child, you risk robbing him permanently.

Disregard your preconceptions and let yourself be guided by the virtual chefs who redouble their inventiveness to offer you ever tastier recipes like Marmiton and its community of cordons bleus or Jow which accompanies you from the purchase to the realization of your dishes. Lacking inspiration? Why not take advantage of packed lunches like Hello Fresh who provide you with the essential ingredients for daring culinary achievements?