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Flirting with a new lover:how to increase desire?

1. We gaze into his

To arouse the desire of the new lover, we give each other an XXL smoldering look. We languidly bat our eyelashes to make him understand that he makes us crack. He may remember 10% of what we say... but those bewitching eyes, he's not likely to forget them!

2. We know what we want and we stick to it

There is nothing more attractive than a girl who knows who she is, without necessarily seeking the approval of the other. Conventions, codes, rules, who cares! It is out of the question to erase his personality to please. The new lover must know that we do not need him but that we want him. Huge shade! This assurance is enough to arouse his desire to know more about us.

3. We take the first step

We take the first step but we don't mince the work either! Men appreciate being left to do the job. Rare are those who like us to be too enterprising... Once we have shown him that we are interested in him, the ball will be in his court again! We let it marinate a little to bring its desire to its peak.

4. We are getting closer slowly but surely

When it comes to desire, it is better to let the body do the talking. We do not hesitate to break the barrier of physical distance. We lean slightly to tell him a secret. We touch his forearm, letting a natural laugh burst out. We tease him and we push him a little... That's how desire manifests itself!

5. We are unpredictable

What will make this new lover crack is the unexpected! We do not hesitate to surprise him by going off the beaten track. Bungee jumping for our first date? Why not ? If we feel like it...

6. We put him at ease

We deactivate chatter mode, to better listen to the new lover. We are available and attentive. Compliments work both ways, and it's always a pleasure. Especially when it's sincere! We don't hesitate to tell him that we find him funny, that we appreciate his company, that we would like to see him again...

7. We are secretive and bewitching

What boosts desire is above all what we do not know, what remains to be discovered. A bit like secret fantasies. To be mysterious is to reveal your assets of seduction with parsimony.

8. We don't put pressure on ourselves

Raising desire when you meet a new lover is above all a game! We don't take ourselves too seriously and we have fun. Don't forget to show off your best smile. We give the image of a fulfilled girl, comfortable in her skin, who exudes happiness! It’s ca-pi-tal when you want to please. What could be more endearing than a frank and communicative laugh?