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A man boasts about the happiness of being married in a Facebook post that has gone viral

Marriage is a divisive subject. Some are for, others against (and that's good, everyone has their own choices, desires and projects!) and then there are the commitment freaks. They are neither for nor against, but the idea of ​​having to spend the rest of their life with one and only one person scares them. Dale Partridge doesn't see it that way. After eight years of happiness with his wife, he tells how, day after day, their love continues to reinvent itself.

A statement that will make some people envious

In his post shared nearly 280,000 times, liked by about 516,000 people and commented on nearly 43,000 times (viral, we tell you!), he explains that he can never get tired of his wife. The reason ? The many facets of her personality and the different versions of herself over the years. “Men are so worried that marriage will force them to spend the rest of their lives with one and only woman. It is simply wrong. I fell in love with a 19 year old rock climber, married a 20 year old animal lover, started a family with a 24 year old mother, then built a farm with a 25 year old handywoman. years, and today I am married to a wise 27-year-old woman. If your mind is sound, you will never get tired of "one woman". If anything, you'll be amazed at how many versions of herself you've been married to over the years. Don't say no to marriage, say yes and keep saying yes until the day you die. Well, obviously not everyone sees things the same way. But those for whom marriage is of paramount importance and incorrigible romantics have to admit it, that's quite a statement!