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Getting married or living together, do you see the added value of that piece of paper?

Wow, I'm at the age when friends around us are getting married. So much fun, because that means fun parties! This week one of my best friends announced that he was also getting married. Getting married or living together, for me

According to the Central Bureau of Statistics, fewer and fewer marriages are taking place in the Netherlands and more and more people are opting for a registered partnership. More and more people live together unmarried for longer. So it takes longer before we make the step to actually get married. And more and more people are asking themselves the question about getting married or living together.

Getting married or living together, what is the added value

The crisis also seems to be a good explanation for the decline in the number of marriages. The figures show that the Dutch (20 percent) more often opt for registered partnership than the Dutch (10 percent).

I am not married myself, we also opted for a registered partnership. Where, just like getting married, everything is automatically well arranged. Important of course if you have children! We have also really talked about getting married, where I was the one who thought it was right. Especially for that one fantastic dress and the mega party that we would celebrate with our loved ones 😉 , that goes without saying.

Wedding for dress and party

Do I still want to get married? New. Although I must say that I doubted a lot about that. But when I ask myself questions like; What do I think is the added value of getting married? Why would I do that? Then I come to the conclusion that I do not see the added value of it.

Yes of course I would like to wear that beautiful dream dress and yes I would also like to throw a nice party, but do I have to get married for that? One reason may be that everything surrounding having children or the death of your partner has been properly arranged. Still, for me, those are more practical matters that have little to do with your relationship. I think marriage is more about what it adds to the love between you and your partner.

The added value I see is that you confirm your love for each other to the world around you and that you can make it a fantastic beautiful and pleasant day with all your loved ones. That you once again reflect on your love.


You can of course make your wedding as low-budget as you want. But when I get married, I do it right and I don't want to cut corners on anything. I want everything on it, because I only get married once (I promised myself 😉 . Unfortunately, even at a smaller party, a lot of money goes into that.

Money that I personally would like to spend on other things. Think of travel, vacation, the house, the children and other fun outings. As far as I'm concerned, it's fine the way it is and I can answer the question of getting married or living together for myself.

Of course I am curious! How are you in this? Are you married? And for what reason?

tip:Does the idea of ​​getting married stress you out? Because of the eternal commitment, or because so much has to be arranged? Then the book getting married for dummies might be something for you 😉 . A book full of practical tips. More information about getting married and living together with a registered partnership can be found here.