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Terrible two:how to manage this crisis?

Terrible two:how to manage this crisis?

The arrival of a newborn in a couple brings great happiness. But when the baby grows, somewhat complicated times will arise. This is the case of the “terrible two” or the crisis of two years. In general, every child goes through this stage. Thus, in this article, I invite you to discover the manifestation of this crisis, while providing you with some advice that will help you better manage it.

Contents 1 Better understand the terrible two 2 The behavior to adopt when faced with the terrible two

Better understand the terrible two

Terrible two or two-year crisis refers to a period during which the child will be particularly rebellious. This period is marked by repeated cries and cries. “No” is then the child’s favorite word. This period is also often called the early adolescence .

If you think the teenage years are the hardest time for parents, think again. From the age of two, your little prince or your little princess will drive you crazy. At this age, the child is on the path to independence, he is aware that he can make his own choices and therefore wants to impose them.

In most cases, the child will easily come into conflict with his parents during this two-year crisis, often getting angry. It should be noted that a child does not always manage to define his emotions in words. Thus, when he is frustrated, he externalizes his feelings through his anger.

The toddler's goal is to get your attention . But it is also possible that he wants to make you give in, especially if you are used to doing it when he starts crying.

Terrible two:how to manage this crisis?

The behavior to adopt in the face of the terrible two

In order to best manage the famous two-year-old crisis, parents must adopt certain crucial attitudes.

The first thing to do is to keep your cool . Remember that you are dealing with a child and screaming at this delicate moment will only make the situation worse. On the other hand, seeing you serene will help the child to calm down in turn. The use of “I” is also essential. In this way, the little one will understand that what he is doing bothers you and can also bother those around him.

Next, tell the child that you understand his anger. You can explain to him that getting angry can happen to anyone and that the anger subsides afterwards. By dint of calm and rational explanations, calm will return between you.

In order to help your child vent his anger, it is possible to use objects on which he can let off steam, for example by hitting a cushion. Establishing a wheel of emotions can also allow the child to describe through images what he feels.

The last and most important tip is to not hold any grudges against your baby. Always continue to give him all your love, he needs it so much to build himself.