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The formalities for having children's passports made

The formalities for having children s passports made

You've been preparing for that coveted trip to Australia with your child for weeks. And luckily you have been informed of the need for a passport of its own, otherwise the little one could never enter Australian territory.

You can get the birth certificate online

Since 2006, children, including infants, have been subject to the same passport rules as adults. Indeed, parents can no longer register their children on their passport, as was the case before. Regardless of their age, a minor must have a passport in their name when they leave European territory. I learned this when, a few months ago, I swapped my passport for one that was biometric.

At the same time, I inquired about my granddaughter's passport. They then told me that she had to have hers too, even though she was only a month old. And a complete copy of the birth certificate of the main person concerned dating from less than three months is required to obtain this identity document. But did you know that ordering a birth certificate in Lyon, for example, is quite possible on the internet?

What do you have to gain from it? First of all, there is the very practical side of this approach, insofar as you no longer need to go to the Town Hall. Unfortunately, I only found out afterwards. Knowing about this online service would have saved me hours of waiting pacing the halls of the town hall. This is why I do not hesitate to recommend this website to all natives of the city of gones. It really helps out.

The procedures and formalities

The formalities for having children s passports made

Even if parents do not often travel outside of Europe, possession of a passport is always recommended for children. You won't regret taking this step. Indeed, maybe you are not planning to travel with your baby right now, but you never know what the future holds. What's more, the waiting times can be really long before you are issued the passport. And for your information, the validity of this identity document is five years for children. You will be quiet afterwards.

The passport application is generally made at the Town Hall of the child's place of residence by filling in the cerfa n°12101*02 application form on site, but you can also pre-fill it online. Otherwise, here is the list of documents to provide (originals and copies):proof of residence in the form of a recent electricity bill which will do the job perfectly, full copy of the birth certificate, proof of identity of the parents but also a photo ID of the child.

Be careful, you must go to a professional or use a photo booth certified by the Ministry of the Interior. And don't forget the tax stamps, the amount of which varies according to age:seventeen euros up to 14 years old, forty-two euros from fifteen to eighteen years old.

Only complete files are processed. Try as much as possible to complete and collect all the requested documents before proceeding.