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This Trick Allowed Me To Make My Children Eat Vegetables!

This Trick Allowed Me To Make My Children Eat Vegetables!

In the series "I make my children eat vegetables", I I have a brilliant new idea for you!

Because it's not always easy to reconcile them with vegetables, I have a very easy trick.

The secret is to involve the little ones in the process, so here's what you're going to do...

Grow a mini-vegetable garden with your children!

This Trick Allowed Me To Make My Children Eat Vegetables!

Take out the shovel and the rake, clear a corner of the garden and let's go! Oh, no need to plant 36 vegetables or varieties, a dozen will be enough to start:carrots, tomatoes, leeks... And your children will be very proud to cook, then taste their products!

You don't have a garden? Why not try growing some vegetables on your terrace or creating a small vegetable garden in your apartment?

So it's easy isn't it? Do you also cultivate a vegetable garden? Tell us everything in the comments!