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40 Romantic Low Budget Dating Tips for Valentine's Day

February 14 is the day:Valentine's Day. Still no idea what to do with your Valentine's date? I have listed 40 romantic low budget dating tips for Valentine's Day. Romantic doesn't always have to cost a lot of money. Often it is low budget dates that make the most impression. Remember:the most important thing is the love between you.

1. Picnic indoors

You don't necessarily have to leave the house for a romantic date. Especially indoors it can be very cozy and intimate. That certainly applies to a picnic indoors (tip:nice replacement for lunch or even breakfast in bed). You can make the picnic as cheap or expensive as you want.

2. Sweet date

Most people like sweets. So plan a sweet date with your Valentine. Go to the store and buy everything you need to make some nice desserts or everything for that one tasty cake. Then you and your date get to work in the kitchen. At the end of the afternoon or evening you can eat the sweets you have made together while enjoying a cup of tea or coffee. If you are still looking for a nice baking idea, I can heartily recommend these red velvet whoopies.

3. Go for a chic dessert

A meal does not always have to cost a lot of money. Choose a cheaper restaurant and make sure you only eat a main course here, possibly with a soup or something else beforehand. Checkout and then find an expensive and chic restaurant where you and your loved one will have dessert alone. The change of atmosphere and ambiance will surely make your loved one feel special.

 4.DIY Spa date

A spa date is always fun. This is a must for women who like to be pampered but never spend money on themselves. It's also the perfect date to spend time together in a different way. How can you help with the DIY spa? Give her a wonderful massage, help her apply a mask, prepare a foot bath and put on some romantic music. Add a few candles to enhance the atmosphere.

5. Back in time

Nowadays everyone has a game console at home, but do you remember how much fun the Arcade games used to be? Take your date to an Arcade game room this Valentine's Day and enjoy old-fashioned computer games such as PacMan all evening. Gamestate in Utrecht is highly recommended. Fun guaranteed and with a little planning also reasonably low budget. You can use the tickets you won to find a nice present together.

6. binge watching

There is nothing better than sitting comfortably on the couch and watching Netlfix all evening. Find a nice series and watch it with just the two of you. Add a blanket where you can sit comfortably, have drinks and snacks within reach, light a few candles and your evening can't go wrong.

7. Escape room

Want to impress on your Valentine's date? Then book an escape room and take on the challenge together with your Valentine. Of course you show that you are handy and smart and you make sure that you have escaped from the escape room before the time runs out. Escape rooms can be found all over the Netherlands with different themes.

8. Stargazing

Unfortunately, Valentine's Day falls in the middle of winter and chances are the sky is so cloudy that you can't see the starry sky. Don't worry, with a little improvisation, you and your loved one can simply enjoy a starry sky. Visit a planetarium near you on Valentine's Day. The planetarium of the Artis Zoo in Amsterdam is highly recommended.

9. Fast food

Suppose you have a nice date with that one nice man or woman. Unfortunately, you only have a limited budget and you still want to organize a great day. Then first choose one of the activities that I have included in this list and end the day with a dinner in a fast food restaurant (or opt for a drive through and eat the fast food at home). By doing a fun activity first, it is less noticeable that you have no money left for an extensive dinner in a chic restaurant.

10. Game night

Whether you're in a new relationship or married for 10 years, spending real time together is priceless. Spending time is perfect during an old-fashioned game night. For example, play Trivia or a more intimate game especially for couples.

11. Go bouldering together

Whether you are sporty or not, an afternoon rock climbing or bouldering together is great fun. You can help, encourage and above all laugh together. Ideal to spend a relaxing afternoon with your loved one. And who knows, after this date you will have a taste for it and you will become a sporty couple who often go bouldering.

12. Go bowling together

Need a sporty and affordable date for Valentine's Day? Then go bowling together. Bowling guarantees a lot of fun and fun. Also recommended as a double date:go on a date with your best friends and enjoy even more fun. A little competition and a lot of laughter ensure a successful Valentine's date.

13. Ice skating on Valentine's Day

Just like the previous activities, this tip is also quite sporty and at the same time romantic:go ice skating with your loved one on Valentine's Day. It's the perfect date if one of you isn't very good at skating, then the other can help where needed. Again, a lot of fun is guaranteed. And moreover:an ice skating hall is cold, afterwards you can warm up with each other.

14. Picnic in the park

This is really only recommended if the weather is good. If this is the case, fill a picnic basket with small snacks, bring a blanket and head to the park. Bring an extra blanket if your loved one gets cold. An extra hug also wants to help dispel the cold.

15. A night away

Book a night away for your Valentine. If you choose an Airbnb or a simple hotel in a smaller city, you can keep your budget limited. Also keep an eye on websites such as and for extra offers (hotels).

16. Cook for your lover

You don't necessarily have to eat out on Valentine's Day. If you can cook (well) yourself or like to be in the kitchen, consider getting started and cooking for your lover. Do not choose standard meals, but something that is not only tasty but also impressive. Cook a three-course menu, in which you put all your love.

Can't cook? Surprise him or her with a delicious Valentine's breakfast.

17. Game date night

No Arcade gameroom nearby and still relax within your own four walls? Then plan a game date night and get started together on the Xbox, Playstation or Wii. Play games that you both enjoy and enjoy a little competition and above all a lot of fun together.

18. Tourist in his own city

Many people do not see the value of their own city (anymore) because they are there every day. On Valentine's Day, throw all your 'knowledge' and prejudices about the city overboard and set out as a tourist in your own city with your loved one. Discover new restaurants, find new activities and most importantly, enjoy it as a couple. Also nice:if you are both from another city, take your Valentine to your city and show him or her nice places in your city.

19. Movie night

Of course I have already mentioned binge watching, but you can go one step further. Make sure you have his or her favorite movie at home. With a little creativity, you can decorate the room in the theme of the movie. This also applies to the snacks and food that you serve that evening. By linking a theme to it, you can make it a special evening. Not sure which movie to watch? Here you will find inspiration for romantic Netflix movies.

20. DIY evening

Do you like to make things yourself? Then get started together. Whether it's diamond painting, painting or DIY jobs in your new home, making things together is very relaxing. It is also the ideal opportunity to get to know each other a little better. You also immediately learn to work well together.

21. Watch Youtube together

Do you like to learn and discover new things? Then why not go on a journey of discovery with your loved one on Valentine's Day? Order food you like, grab a blanket and watch Youtube videos together on the couch.

22. Gourmet or fondue

Gourmet or fondue is not only fun for Christmas or Easter:you can also do this on Valentine's Day. Buy delicious snacks that you can prepare on the gourmet set. Nice music in the background, some candles for more atmosphere and nothing stands in the way of a romantic evening.

23. Trampoline park

Yet another sportier idea:go to a trampoline park together to enjoy yourself there. Definitely recommended if you have some tricks up your sleeve with which you can impress him or her. Then you can take a shower and end the evening with a nice dinner.

24. Indoor skydiving

Are you a bit adventurous? Then book an indoor skydiving package for your Valentine. Keep an eye on Groupon for great offers. The adrenaline rush is good for both of you and will definitely strengthen the bond between you.

25. Heads or tails

A fun way to find your Valentine's date destination. Take a coin and flip it up:heads means you turn left, tails turn right. Continue until you have arrived at a nice destination.

26. Take a bike ride together

A must if the weather is at least a bit favorable:take a nice bike ride together. Plan a nice route in advance with various sights and a nice tent along the route where you can enjoy a cup of coffee and cake. Instead of two bicycles, you can of course also borrow or rent a tandem for this occasion.

27. Day at the zoo

There is nothing more relaxing than taking a day off and enjoying the zoo. Zoos are often beautifully laid out and you are not dependent on the weather for everything. Burgers Zoo in Arnhem, for example, has various covered areas where you can imagine yourself in the middle of the desert or jungle. Here you can take romantic walks with your loved one. Don't forget to take some nice pictures as a reminder of this special day.

28. Go to the cinema

Perhaps a bit of a trite idea, but often a bull's eye. Especially because with Valentine often romantic films come out, which many women love. To keep it a bit low budget, you can consider eating and drinking somewhere first. Then you don't necessarily have to get something in the cinema. Make sure you take a two-seater, so you can sit comfortably close to your loved one in the dark cinema.

29. Go dance

Of course you can look for an opportunity outdoors, but you can also dance together at home. Put on some romantic music, take your loved one in your arms and enjoy each other's presence. Close to each other you can whisper some romantic words in each other's ears.

30. Take time off and stay in bed together all day

Valentine's Day doesn't have to be complicated and expensive:both take a day off and spend the day together in bed. Bring him or her breakfast in bed, put on a nice movie, cuddle with each other, take the time to talk and end the evening with binge watching, while you enjoy food that you have ordered.

31. Take a walk on the beach

It would of course be ideal if the weather cooperates on Valentine's Day, but also if there is a storm:a walk on the beach is always possible. If it is really cold, then you immediately have a reason to enjoy the walk close to each other. To finish, a nice cup of soup and a cup of coffee is an absolute must.

32. Have lunch together

When you're married, it's sometimes difficult to make time for each other. Make sure you don't have any appointments for Valentine's Day and agree to have lunch together somewhere. Get away from your own environment, away from raising the children and just have time and attention for each other.

33. Destination unknown

Get in the car together without planning a destination in advance. Put on some nice music and enjoy each other's company, while you decide on the spot where the car will take you. That way you can discover fun new places together, without planning a lot in advance.

 34 Sitting by the water together

No, the temperature is still not good in mid-February, but turbulent water can also be very romantic to watch. Find a nice spot on the water (harbour or canal, for example) and enjoy the view and each other while enjoying a cup of coffee.

35. Build a tent

Do you remember building a tent from chairs and tables as a child? Why not do that now? Take some sheets and make a big tent (based on your bed). A few LED candles and Christmas lights, put a laptop in it, some tasty snacks and drinks within reach and you are in your own intimate world. A trip down memory lane that you can now relive with your loved one.

36. truth or dare

A simple, but also daring game that you can play together with your loved one. Truth means that your partner may ask a question, which you must answer in all honesty. Dare means that you receive an order from your partner and must carry it out. You can come up with the questions and assignments yourself, so you can really take it in all directions 😉

 37. Photoshoot with your Valentine

Nothing is more fun than making memories together and capturing them. Do you want to approach it a little more professionally? Then plan a photo shoot with your loved one. Again, I can recommend the aforementioned Groupon website. Choose a romantic photo shoot and let a professional take nice pictures of you together. You can make this as expensive or cheap as you want, since you decide how many photos you will eventually take.

38. Volunteering together

Valentine's Day is the day of love, but that doesn't mean you have to spend this day alone with your loved one. It's the perfect day to help others or put them in the spotlight. Whether you're just the two of you visiting a few lonely elderly people in the retirement home or rolling up your sleeves elsewhere, it will definitely strengthen the bond between you and your loved one.

39. A day without a smartphone or other gadgets

On this special day, put all electrical gadgets aside and devote all attention, love and time to and with each other. Don't be distracted by your mobile phone, that one nice movie on TV or email. Use the time to get to know each other better, catch up and plan for your future.

40. Make something for your loved one

Gifts don't always have to cost a lot of money. A homemade gift is often much more impressive than something you picked up from the store. After all, you have to sit down to come up with something, making it also takes time and shows that you are willing to do this for the other person. It doesn't have to be perfect either:the love you put into it is worth much more than perfection. Are you looking for some nice DIY ideas? Then make a nice Valentine's card, DIY bottle mail or a few nice heart-shaped floating candles.

Now I'm really curious what you're going to do with Valentine. Let me know in the comments.