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12 Nice tips for a romantic evening with your partner

*At a time when Netflix predominates and the available budget does not always allow you to surprise your sweetheart, it can be quite a challenge to organize a thoroughly romantic evening. Fortunately, you don't always have to loot your bank account to give love an extra boost. With the 12 fun tips below for a romantic evening with your partner, you will let love bloom again like the day you saw each other for the first time.

12 Nice tips for a romantic evening with your partner

In a relationship it is very important that both sides make an effort. It's hard work sometimes and that's anything but romantic. Especially the first 7 years are crucial in a relationship, and then you have to work hard to keep love blooming. Do you need tips to enjoy a romantic evening with your partner? Then read on quickly.

1. Cook your partner's favorite dishes

Who said a restaurant was necessary? You simply make the best food yourself. Nothing inspires more admiration than diving into the kitchen to prepare your partner's favorite dish. Surprise him or her with a surprising twist and enjoy your cooking skills by candlelight together.

2. Spontaneously plan a 'pamper' evening

Sometimes a little attention just works best and it doesn't have to cost a lot. A face mask, a foot bath, it works perfectly, as long as it happens spontaneously. If you want to make it extra intimate, give your partner an extensive massage.

Are you looking for additional ideas, in this article you will find 30 tips with original surprises for your partner.

3. Enjoy the outdoors together in the evenings

Now that summer is approaching, it is often still very pleasant in the evenings. It is therefore ideal to enjoy the outdoors in the garden together. Enjoy a meal or just enjoy each other's presence. A soft music in the background works wonders.

4. Revive:the first date

Do you remember the first movie you watched together? The first restaurant you visited? Do that again. That way you can not only reminisce, but love will soon bloom again as usual.

5. The classic:candlelight and rose petals

The power of romance lies in its spontaneity. Let your partner know that you appreciate it by surprising him or her in an impressive way. Sprinkle rose petals on the bed, run the bath and get creative with tea lights. With romantic music in the background you will definitely score with your partner.

6. Make plans for a weekend away together

Making plans doesn't cost money. Especially if you are ready for a weekend together, you can tackle this well by seeing what you both like. The big advantage:your desire only increases to do something together.

7. Surprise your sweetheart:cook something new

The greatest danger of any relationship is rut. By stepping out of your comfort zone and doing something completely new, you let a breath of fresh air blow through the relationship. Choose a totally unknown dish together and prepare it together. There is a good chance that it will be a resounding success.

8. Exciting:ask each other intimate questions

If you thought you know each other well, this is a real eye opener. Ask each other, without shame, the shirt off. Agree in advance that you can only skip two, for example, and you will have the evening of your life.

9. Get to know each other better with music

Everyone has certain feelings about specific music tracks. Let each other know which song is special and tell each other why. That way you not only bring romance into your home, but you get to know each other even better.

10. Romantic in the great outdoors

A little romantic doesn't need a well-tended garden to make an impression, with a bit of luck a balcony will work just fine. Add something tasty, a beautiful clear sky and the romance will come naturally.

11. Learning to dance together

The dance school is an outdated concept, so you can turn the living room into your own ballroom. How do you do that? Very simple, look up a nice dance instruction video, for example on YouTube and start practicing together. Guaranteed success!

12. Make a to-do list for the next five years

Everyone has plans and wishes, but in a relationship it's about what you want to achieve together. Make a list of goals you want to achieve together and encourage each other. You get a lot of positive energy from it.

Do you have any tips for a romantic evening with your partner?

*Guest blog