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Tips to get attention and intimacy during Euro 2021

It will be a while before Euro 2021 starts, but you better be prepared. Many women already know that the intimacy will be over during that period. In this article you will find some tips to get attention and intimacy during European Championship 2021

Men and football

For men, it seems like the world doesn't exist anymore once the European Championship starts. This certainly applies when the Dutch team is on the field in Orange uniform. Whether or not dressed in Orange clothing, the man is glued to the tube. In some cases alone, in many cases together with friends.

When a European or World title is at stake, most men breathe, dream and live football. Football then enjoys absolute priority and is number 1 in their lives by a great distance. Strengthened by the knowledge that they are not alone, things can get pretty intense during a match. And then there is really no attention for the woman… But luckily there is hope for all women…

Love goes through the stomach

It is well known that love goes through the stomach and that is especially true for men. Now the question is of course whether your man is very hungry while he is in front of the TV, but tasty snacks are certainly welcome. Make tasty snacks and let your husband enjoy them. For those who want to make it fun and attractive and want to see some ideas here. Stick small flags (orange, football or Dutch flag) into the snacks. Your husband may not notice it right away, but at some point it will sink in and you'll already have some attention from him.

No knowledge of football? Stay away

There are of course women who know everything about football and simply sit next to their husbands and follow all the operations of the Dutch national team. But the vast majority of women have little or no knowledge of football. If you belong to the last group of women, then at least stick to the following:


Don't mean to sit next to your husband on the couch and try to get him to explain the rules of football. This will eventually result in irritability and negative attention. In some cases negative attention is also attention, but in this case I strongly advise against it. Unless you choose to have a grumpy man next to you during/after the match. Do you still want to sit next to your husband and support him? Then shut up, put yourself in orange clothes and watch his reactions, BUT don't ask!

Does your man jump up and down with enthusiasm because the Orange has scored? Jump with him, kiss him and put a tasty snack in his mouth. Should it not work out so well with scoring and would the Dutch national team suddenly not look so good during the European Championship 2021? Then support and comfort your husband and 'suffer' with him.

However, don't do this with words like:'oh well, it's just football', 'better next time', 'luckily there is more like football'… DON'T! Rather use terms like:'that referee is not fair', 'they didn't deserve this, they were much better', 'our boys deserved better'….

Intimacy after a played European Championship match

Well, and then the time really comes when a match is over. If the match is won, the man will certainly appreciate that and (unfortunately) want to see all repetitions of the fallen goals endlessly in the repetition. Make sure you keep your man in a good mood, stay up and be enthusiastic despite everything.

When all the friends have left the house, it is important as a woman to take the place you deserve, namely the first place. But, what's the best way to do that? After all, your husband will still have his head in the game… Fortunately, with the tips below you can at least ensure that your husband is distracted and in many cases his attention is focused on you again.

  • Provide an Orange bedroom (decorate with all kinds of orange stuff). This makes the man feel much more at ease and will happily stay in the bedroom (as long as the Dutch national team is doing well)
  • Make sure you are completely relaxed yourself, your husband will be excited enough (from the football)
  • Do you dare to wear spicy clothes? Then go for a sexy orange outfit during the European Championship 2021, this will certainly change your mind
  • A sultry strip act will also ensure that your man pays attention to you and that you will not be short of intimacy during the upcoming European Championship
  • Take control and let the initiative to get intimate come from you. Guaranteed that you will receive attention and intimacy from your man

The European Championship 2021

Shouldn't the aforementioned tips help? No worries! The European Championship lasts at most a month (if the Orange doesn't play so well, it will be shorter) and after that your husband will also return to the order of the day!

Euro 2020 update is canceled due to COVID-19

Unfortunately, the European Championship 2020 is canceled due to Corona. The schedule is now for the European Championship 2021. You can of course also apply the above tips if your partner loves football and is no longer available to you. And if it's not football, it can also be another sport.