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8 Reasons Why You're Not Rich Yet

Many people think that if you are born for a dime, you can never progress. Yet this is not true. Becoming rich is a choice that you can (indirectly) influence. These are 8 reasons why you are not rich yet.

Being rich:does money make you happy?

In the article below we mainly look at being rich with money. However, being rich encompasses so much more. Good health, for example, cannot be bought with any money in the world. So is true love and having a family. In the well-known program Steenrijk, Straatarm you always see that real happiness does not depend on the amount of money you have.

On the other hand, it becomes clear every time that money does not bring happiness, but it does make life a bit easier. After all, you don't have to turn every dime, you don't have to say no every time and above all you don't have to lie awake anymore thinking about how to make it to the end of the month. So:money doesn't necessarily make you happier, but it does make it easier.

8 Reasons why you are not rich yet

Many people find countless reasons why they are not (yet) rich. That ranges from:I've never had a good day in my life to I'm not smart enough to get rich. Perhaps you recognize yourself in the reasons below why you are not yet rich.

1. Not setting concrete goals

Of course everyone wants to get rich or at least have more money, but just making rich your goal is not going to get you anywhere. You must have a concrete goal that you can work towards. And you have to make that as visual as possible and I'm not talking about visualizing that you get rich and then just adopt a wait-and-see attitude.

Visual means:draw up a concrete financial plan to achieve your goal. Including expected costs, items you can save on, but also things like unexpected changes in your life or, for example, exact goals regarding your expenses to save optimally.

Once you have drawn up a plan, it is very important to stick to it.

2. No self-discipline

This is in line with the previous tip, because without self-discipline there is a good chance that you will let go of your plan over time and fall back into old patterns. Discipline and control go hand in hand. Check your own spending pattern including impulse purchases at Action, Primark and other low budget stores and do something about it. If you are not strong and disciplined enough yourself:make sure you have a big stick behind the door, someone who is watching you and holding the reins tightly.

Your expenses must be (much) less than your income, because that's how you take the first step towards wealth.

3. No more procrastinating

A common reason is that people say they will start work tomorrow. Also as nice as the New Year is, people make all kinds of resolutions that are forgotten in no time. The secret of successful people who are rich is that they don't put things off until tomorrow, but get started today. There is no such thing as waiting for the right moment. The only right time is NOW.

4. Negativity

It's very easy to get into a downward spiral when everything seems to be going wrong and you don't know how to make ends meet. However, you will not get anywhere with this. In fact, if you are negative, you radiate it to other people. As a result, you are much less likely to open doors and minimize the chance of getting rich. Positive people attract attention and attract positivity. And sometimes that is just enough to get pushed in the right direction and move forward in life.

5. Choosing the right partner

Before you think:see, it's my partner's fault, no, the first one to point out is yourself. If there can be a culprit at all. However, a good partner brings positivity, extra income and harmony. And as you read earlier, positivity is something that can bring you one step closer to your goal of getting rich.

If you are unhappy in your relationship, it has a major effect on your life. Think of being unhappy, depression, feeling that you have failed and in some cases even sadness and mourning for things that are not there.

6. Not daring to take risks

Ask any successful person:often the dream comes true with taking a (certain) risk. Staying in your comfort zone has its advantages, of course, but it also ensures that you will never move forward. If you don't dare take a risk, you're guaranteed not to get rich (okay, unless you have a rich sugar daddy or aunt and you're suddenly designated as the heir).

In most cases you will have to take (a little) risk if you want to get rich. Of course, you have to be careful with that and not take excessive risks. If you don't risk anything, you can't win anything. Sometimes you just have to take the plunge. Be careful not to get too reckless! Don't take unnecessary risks, but take thoughtful steps to grow your money. Think of small investments in bit or altcoins. There are even websites where you can earn free coins by participating in quizzes.

7. Deal with the right people

There is a well-known proverb that says that you become infected with what you deal with. It is human nature to remain in one's own circle. Looking beyond your own circle can feel very uncomfortable and even scary. Nevertheless, it is good to build a network of people who are successful and ambitious.

8. Having no passion

People who have a passion for something attract people. Because passion and enthusiasm are contagious. This ensures that you attract the right people. People who can help you move forward in your life, can make sure you get more money. Passion makes it easier for you to achieve your goals and also shows how far you are willing to achieve these goals.

If you follow the above tips, you have taken the first steps towards a successful and rich life. And who knows, you might soon be able to cross off your first goal and celebrate your first success!