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48 Simple Tips to Save You Didn't Know About

Life seems to be getting more expensive by the day. Fortunately, there are plenty of ways to save. While shopping, doing errands, but also in terms of energy, driving the car and much more. Discover 48 simple tips for saving that you did not know.

Life gets expensive

There is an almost daily warning:life is getting expensive. Energy prices are rising, petrol prices are skyrocketing, not to mention the price increases in the supermarket. Unfortunately, the salaries do not increase, so you have to use the money you have in an inventive way to keep your head above water.

48 simple tips to save that you didn't know yet

Below are 48 tips to save in your daily life. Not every tip may apply to you. Take the tips you can use and take advantage of them.

1. Invite friends over for dinner

Sounds a bit contradictory:inviting people to come and eat and save. Yet it is a lot cheaper than, for example, going out to eat. So instead of meeting friends in a restaurant, you can invite each other home and take turns cooking. You can also agree that everyone will make something and that you will all enjoy it. Homemade is not only cheaper, but also healthier.

2. Make your own presents

With a view to the upcoming holidays, it is good to start stocking up presents now. Instead of buying all kinds of gifts, you can also make your own. Think of nice clothes you make, natural care products or, for example, a delicious cake or baking mix.

Pinterest is a very good source of inspiration. Don't forget to wrap the gift nicely and provide it with a personal message. That way you will certainly make a big impression with your homemade gift.

Not so handy with making your own? Then try it with these low budget gift tips.

3. Give a voucher as a gift

Instead of making your own gifts, you can also choose to give a voucher as a gift. A voucher where you offer your help (time is precious and also costs money). Give a gift voucher for a day of babysitting, help in the garden or, for example, looking after pets during the holidays.

4. Prevent impulse purchases with the 30-day 10-minute rule

Are you someone who likes to pop into the Action and come out with much more than was actually intended? There is a good chance that you will then make impulse purchases. To prevent these impulse purchases, you can use the 30-day 10-minute rule.

The 10-minute rule applies to small things. Take the product in your hand and walk through the store for another 10 minutes. Look at the product every now and then and think about whether you really need it and what you are going to use it for. Are the 10 minutes up and you sure you need it? Then buy it. If not, it's time to put the product back on the shelf.

The 30 day rule applies to larger and more expensive purchases. Instead of immediately buying the new TV, washing machine or dryer like a chicken without a head, you first think about it carefully for 30 days. If the purchase is still really necessary, you can still make it. And who knows, you might find a much better offer in the meantime.

5. Convert the price to your hourly wage

Many people who make impulse purchases don't see them in perspective. Before you buy anything, think about what you earn per hour. Is the purchase in proportion to your hourly wage? If you only earn 10 euros per hour, you may have to work 3-4 hours for what you want. Is this related? Is the product really worth breaking a sweat or can you do with less? Is the product really necessary?

6. Make a shopping list and stick to it

It's a bargain, but you'll be surprised how often people make impulse purchases in a supermarket. Make a shopping list and stick to it strictly. So don't be tempted in the supermarket, but only buy what is on the list.

More tips to save on your daily shopping can be found here.

7. Clear out your wardrobe

You may not immediately see the link with saving. Unfortunately, many people buy clothes that they don't really need. That is why it is good to clean out your wardrobe at least 1 – 2 times a year. Make piles of clothes that you like and wear often. A pile of clothes that you wear every now and then and clothes that you hardly or never wear. The clothes from the last pile can be sold on Vinted or traded for other clothes.

Reading tip:25 Tips to save on clothes

8. Fix clothes instead of throwing them away

Preface:ripped jeans are still trendy, so if a jeans has a hole, make it a bit bigger and you have trendy jeans. For other garments, you can simply repair small holes. This certainly applies to children's clothing. A clothing patch on it and you can no longer see anything that has a hole.

9. Swap clothes instead of buying

Organize a clothes swap afternoon with friends or other mothers. You don't always have to buy new clothes to look nice and differently dressed. Children often grow like weeds, it is better to exchange clothes for them instead of having to buy new clothes every time, for example when the child benefit has been received.

10. Drink more water

From now on you opt for more water instead of fresh. Water is relatively cheap and you can drink it all day long. It's also healthy. Not a fan of water? Then make homemade tea. Or add some lemon and cucumber for a nice taste.

11. Do not buy ready-made meals

It seems so easy, but ready-made meals from the supermarket cost more than making food yourself. Especially if you are a couple or have a family.

12. Do not use meal services

Admittedly, it's incredibly easy if you get a box of products delivered to your home for a fixed price, including recipes, and you don't have to think about food. Still, these meal services don't come cheap. Do you want to save? Then find a recipe and go shopping yourself.

13. Buy local and seasonal products

You can save a lot if you choose local products and seasonal products. Think especially of products such as fruit and vegetables. So no strawberries in the middle of winter or kale in the middle of summer. Also check with the local farmer if you can buy products there at a reasonable price.

14. (Almost) free food

Want to save even more? It's possible! You can buy food for less in the supermarket if you use the different discount bins (Jumbo and Lidl). You can also buy bread that is a day old (AH) cheaply. Or use the Too good to go app, which is not only good for food waste, but also saves a lot of money.

In addition, you can also keep an eye on facebook giveaway corners. Especially around Christmas, people often give away the contents of their Christmas package for free. You also regularly come across people who go on holiday and do not want to throw away the contents of their fridge on FB. In some neighborhoods there are also cupboards with food and drinks. These work the same as bookcases.

Sometimes you can also pick up for free from farmers after the harvest. This is especially true for potatoes, onions and, for example, maize. Just ask, that's so neat.

15. Enjoying without your own garden

In nature you come across so many food products that you can collect or pick for free. Please note:you are allowed to do this to a limited extent. You can pick elderberries, blackberries, but also beechnuts, walnuts, hazelnuts, sweet chestnuts and mushrooms. But you can also pick rose hips. Sometimes you don't even have to pick the fruits yourself, but only the leaves, which you can use to make tea, for example.

Reading tip:The tastiest recipes with sweet chestnuts

16. Making long-lasting products yourself

You can make many things yourself. Can you get a lot of fruit and vegetables cheaply or for free? Then make sure you process these into long-lasting products. Think of jam, fruit juice and pickled vegetables.

17. Say goodbye to expensive habits

Smoking and alcohol are expensive. And not only expensive, these habits are also unhealthy. Therefore, say goodbye to expensive habits. Sit down and see what you spend on wine, beer, cigarettes, etc. on a weekly basis and calculate how much you could save if you omit this. You will be surprised how quickly this amount can add up per week, month and year.

18. Go to flea markets

You don't necessarily have to buy a lot of things new. Second-hand is often fine, especially if it is for children. Again, protect yourself against impulse purchases. Unless it's something you can pick up for little money and resell for a lot of money. Otherwise, stick to your list. Things you can definitely buy at a flea market:clothes and toys.

19. Save on furniture

Furnishing a home can also quickly become a hassle. Fortunately, you can easily save on this. Furniture is often offered at giveaway corners. That way you get free furniture. Another option is to buy second-hand furniture. Not satisfied with a piece of furniture? With a little dexterity and a lick of paint you can come a long way and you can make a piece of furniture unique.

20. Car air filter =saving on petrol costs

Few people know that the air filter plays a major role in the car's gas mileage. Therefore, make sure that you regularly check the air filter. Incidentally, you do not have to replace it immediately. It is often sufficient to knock out the filter and make it dust-free. This can easily result in a saving of 7% fuel. So definitely worth a look.

21. Check tire pressure

Not only does a dirty air filter increase the consumption of petrol, that also applies to tires. Check the tire pressure regularly to achieve savings of up to 10%. In addition to the tire pressure, it is also important not to drive around with worn tires for too long. These also increase fuel consumption.

22. Sell ​​the car

If at all possible, sell your car. A car entails a lot of costs in addition to the costs of fuel. Think of taxes, insurance and parking costs. In addition, most cars decrease in value, so you lose twice.

23. Choose quality and not low budget

It seems so nice:you buy a household appliance because it is on sale. Unfortunately, in many cases cheap is simply expensive. Sometimes it is better to spend 100 euros more, but you also have real quality.

24. Plan your meals according to offers in the supermarket

If you use a weekly menu, it is useful to coordinate the meals with the offers in the supermarket. That way you can save a lot of money. These savings can quickly add up to 20% of your total budget.

Reading tip:Budget weekly menu for 4 people

25. Check supermarket

Sometimes people get stuck at a supermarket out of habit. Nevertheless, it is wise to check your supermarket every now and then to see if it is really still the best and cheapest option for you. Sometimes it is cheaper to change supermarkets. It can also be useful to look at online groceries.

26. Check your expenses

Whether it concerns the energy bill, healthcare costs or subscriptions, it is good to take a detailed look at your expenses at least once a year. Be very critical about this. Sometimes you have a subscription that is completely unnecessary. Or do you pay insurance that actually no longer suits your situation.

Reading tip:Saving on fixed costs, most people overlook this

27. Cheap cleaning products

Cleaning products are quite pricey and very often do not do what they promise. Make the switch to cheap and often natural products today. Did you know that vinegar is a miracle cure? This also applies to hydrogen peroxide. Two products that are cheap and clean perfectly. Salt, tea, nail polish and lemon also come in handy in the household and are cheaper than regular cleaning products.

28. Forget expensive care products

If you have to believe the advertisements or TV and social media, you cannot do without all kinds of care products. All kinds of creams and lotions promise you a beautiful smooth skin and prevent the development of wrinkles. Do you have wrinkles? Then you can get rid of it in no time thanks to the use of all kinds of remedies. Forget all expensive care products.

Your skin mainly needs hydration in the form of water. Use as little make-up as possible that seals your skin and clean your skin in the morning and evening with (cold) water. You can also use apple cider vinegar, tea or a little fresh aloe vera gel (directly from the leaf of the plant) for your daily care.

Reading tip:That's why you look younger or older than you are

29. Buy after the season

Valentine's Day, Easter, Sinterklaas and Christmas are recurring holidays. You can also save a lot of money here. For example, buy decoration just after the season. That also applies to things like advent calendars that are not tied to a year.

30. Private labels instead of A-brands

Did you know that most private labels are just as good as premium brands? A-brands are often only a marketing tool and a great way for manufacturers to earn more. Private labels are often made in the same factory as A-brands. So don't be tempted, but opt ​​for private labels. These are NOT at eye level in the supermarket.

31. You have to buy this in bulk – on sale

It is useful for some products if you buy them in bulk or rather in the sale. This mainly concerns products such as cleaning products, toilet paper and, for example, diapers.

32. Breakfast like an emperor

Sweets and snacks in between can cost a lot of money unnoticed. So make sure you start your day with a good breakfast. A good breakfast ensures a long-lasting feeling of satiety and gives you energy to last until the afternoon without the need to snack or snack in between.

33. Avoid the canteen at work

It's a lot cheaper to just take bread from home instead of having lunch in the canteen at work. Tired of a regular sandwich with toppings? Then make a tasty salad at home that you can take with you for lunch. Or take a piece of pizza with you, leftovers from the night before or vary in bread and toppings.

34. Save on the costs for the hairdresser

With these tips you can easily cut your own or that of your family members. It may take some practice, but it is not very difficult. For men, a clipper is often sufficient. Yes, that costs a bit of money, but you have already paid the costs after 2 years.

Do you have a difficult haircut or a haircut that requires a lot of maintenance? Then register as a model. Check local hairdressing schools or take a look around Facebook, where calls are regularly placed by hairdressers looking for models.

35. Food on the go

Admittedly, convenience serves people and nothing is as easy as stopping along the way for a bite to eat. Do you want to save? Then this is not useful. Whether you pick up something along the highway at a gas station or at the airport, the costs are a lot higher than at your local supermarket. Therefore, go well prepared for your trip and take food with you for the journey. It is especially useful if you are traveling with children to keep snacks and things such as fruit and cräckers on hand.

36. Swap instead of buy

There are those things that you need every once in a while. Think of tools, but also a ladder. You don't have to buy everything yourself. There are also many options for trading these days. Or try it with the neighbors. You may be able to borrow the ladder for a while and you won't have to make any major expenses.

This also applies to toys. In many towns and villages you will find so-called toy libraries. Here you can borrow toys. Not only good for your wallet, but also ideal if your child quickly gets bored of toys.

37. Start planting yourself

Whether you have a balcony or a (small) garden, it is always cheaper to plant a few things yourself and save money that way. For small spaces, a vertical garden is the perfect solution. You can grow tomatoes, cucumber, beans and herbs, among other things. Every little bit helps to save.

38. Good nutrition instead of all kinds of supplements

If we are to believe the commercials, we cannot manage without all kinds of shakes and preparations, especially when you train. In addition, all kinds of pills promise that your hair will suddenly grow well, you will get beautiful nails or you can finally reach your dream weight. Forget all these things and make sure you invest this money in good food, because that also means saving in the long run.

39. Forget the gym

Before you think this is very beautiful and the perfect excuse not to move, unfortunately… The costs you save for the gym can be spent on other things. BUT, exercise is and remains a must. You can do this at home, you don't need a gym. No idea where to start? Then take a look at these tips.

40. Saving energy in the kitchen

For many people, the kitchen is a major energy guzzler. Fortunately, there are many ways to save energy in the kitchen. For example, by always cooking with the lid on the pan, which considerably shortens the cooking time. Or use a haymaker. It also helps to purchase a slow cooker and rice cooker. Electricity costs a lot less than gas. Also consider using the barbecue more often to save costs.

41. Saving with heating the house

A major cost item is the energy bill and in particular the costs for heating the house. Fortunately, you can save on these costs with some simple life hacks. For example, install a radiator fan to reduce costs. You can also use special radiator foil. More tips to save on heating costs? You can find it here.

42. Upcycling

A word that is popping up more and more often, which is not surprising, since you not only save your wallet, but also the environment. Upcycling includes anything that can be reused, albeit in a different way. Turn your old socks into a sports bracelet or make a Christmas bauble from old clothes (from a deceased loved one).

43. Crafting toys

Why should your child only be happy with toys from the store? You simply make the best toys yourself. How about homemade clay and salt dough, which you can make the best things with? Or build a nice house out of cardboard. Even a simple tent made with blankets guarantees hours of fun.

44. Saving money in the garden

Kitchen waste, vegetable and fruit leftovers can be used very well to save money in the garden. Make sure this waste is composted by using a homemade bokashi bucket or a worm bin. You can also use fallen leaves in the fall to protect your plants and the soil. Definitely recommended if you have strawberries in the garden.

Reading tip:Everything about the care, harvesting and wintering of strawberries

45. Make your own drinks

There are many drinks that you can make yourself. For example, think of kefir. For this you only need a starter and many enthusiasts can get it for free. But tea is also easy to make yourself. For this you only need some leaves from fruits that you let dry on the windowsill or above the heating, for example.

46. Repair instead of throwing away

Here in the West we are used to throwing away everything that no longer works and buying something new. Do you want to save money? Then try to fix things before you throw them away. Are you not that handy yourself? Don't worry, you have a repair café in all cities. Here volunteers offer their knowledge and skills and help you with the repair for free.

47. Save on the expenditure of menstrual products

Sanitary pads and tampons cost a lot of money. Money that unfortunately is not always there. Fortunately, there are now alternatives on the market that may cost a little more at once, but save a lot of money in the long run. Think of a menstrual cup or, for example, washable menstrual underwear that you can buy at Primark.

48. Save money by staying healthy

Your health is your most precious asset. To save money it is necessary that you are and remain healthy. That mainly means making healthy choices when it comes to food and drink. You also have to keep moving.