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Hardballing everything you need to know about the latest dating trend

Trends are visible everywhere, including in the world of dating. Hardballing everything you need to know about the latest dating trend. Never heard of hardballing? Then read on and discover everything about the latest form of dating.

That's how dating has been until now

Whether you met someone at work or found someone through a special website, dating has different sides. Some dates are just out to get someone into bed as quickly as possible and then move on to the next one. Others date a person for weeks or months only to find out after a lot of wasted time and effort that the person is not suitable for a long-term relationship. So you really never know where you stand. This can have a significant impact on your life.

What is hardball dating?

Hardballing is a whole new trend that has been showing up in the dating world for about two months now. Basically, it comes down to not holding your date on a leash to see if things work out. With hardballing you only have one goal in mind:do not play with someone's feelings, but work towards an honest and permanent relationship. Sounds almost too good to be true? Luckily it isn't.

The trend has arisen from our lives over the past 1.5 years where people see more and more clearly that you should not waste time on each other. It is better to have a partner who means it and with whom you can work towards a future, than to spend months of effort, time and money on someone who is not worth it in the end.

In a time of curfew and limited social contact, it is important to only have the right people around you. And this trend responds to that.

Reading tip :Find out if he is really in love with you

Hardballing everything you need to know about the latest dating trend

At first, when you hear the term hardballing, you probably don't think of a dating trend. Yet it is nothing more than a trend. It's about playing an open card during the dates, without wasting anyone's time. So no unnecessary dates with people where you already know in advance that it cannot become a long-term relationship or that the person does not have the same dreams and wishes as you.

So do you see that your date has completely different wishes when it comes to starting a family? Then it's time to move on with your life and stop wasting both your time and your date's time.

Playing games and toxic relationships are therefore a thing of the past. The 'balls' so the real intentions and facts become immediately clear. This is also the common thread during the dates. You immediately say what it is, what you want to work towards and how you see the relationship and future with each other.

Hardballing:this is how you communicate honestly and openly with each other during the dates

In hardballing, you can just forget about all the rules you've learned about dating so far. So don't respond until 3 days after the last date. Other things that are a real still go:

  • Make former relationships more beautiful or worse
  • Make excuses because you don't like the other person after all
  • Making false promises

It's about staying in conversation with each other and not just talking about small things, but having real conversations. So tell immediately what your future plans are, your goals and what you want in a relationship. Do you want children? To marry? Buying a house together?

Does it all sound like it's going way too fast and way too much for a first or second date? That's right, but that's why this trend is also called hardballing.

Incidentally, this dating trend goes much further, because criticism can also be expressed without mercy. Are you bothered by something? Are you not on the same wavelength? Then make it negotiable. If you can't reach a compromise, then it's time to leave. Because the ultimate goal is not to waste time. And time is precious, we all know that.

You should pay attention to this if you have a hardballing date on the schedule

While you are supposed to be direct and honest, there are a few things to keep in mind. That is why good preparation is necessary, not only for the other person, but especially for yourself.

1. Make sure you know what you want

Not everyone knows what they want, now or in the future. That can make hardball dating extremely difficult. So make sure you know what your dreams are, your wishes and plans for the future.

2. Don't be afraid

Once you know what you want, you should fully support it and not be afraid to talk about these dreams, wishes and future plans. You know what you want and if your date doesn't agree, then it's time to move on.

3. Be happy when you have found each other and keep talking

The moment you clearly indicate from the start what you expect and the other person sees it that way, nothing stands in the way of entering into a long-term relationship with each other. Be happy with each other, but above all:keep talking!

The pitfalls of hardball dating

Are there only good sides to this form of dating? Unfortunately not. It's great that you know where you stand and know exactly what you want in the future, but not everyone is that far yet. And that doesn't necessarily mean that one can never get that far. In addition, it is also important that you pay attention to how you present things. By overwhelming someone with your vision and future plans, you can silence the other person.

Moreover, there is another danger lurking:someone hears your story and agrees with everything, without really supporting it. And then it can still take weeks or months before you realize that you don't fit together.