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Nuisance neighbours… it can almost make you sick!

I owe you one more story. In my blog about being isolated from the digital world (a life without internet) I indicated that we had moved because of neighbor nuisance † What kind of neighbor nuisance you ask? Well honestly, what not….

We moved because of nuisance neighbours

We have enjoyed living in our porch house on the ground floor for about 3 years. We had wonderful, friendly neighbors that you always chatted with (quite rare in a big city) and a large garden where we often barbecued with friends or simply enjoyed the sun. Great place for two students!

Until our dear upstairs neighbors moved. We had just welcomed our little girl and were quite curious about who came to live there. According to our owner, it was a young couple (19 and 20) expecting a baby. Yes, a buddy for our Luli! Unfortunately, after a few weeks, we soon found out that we would absolutely not become friends with these people.

They found it necessary to play loud music tot until the middle of the night to turn, to consume marijuana , to argue , with stuff to throw and you name it. And not just a few times a month or maybe only at the weekend, no, every day was a party. The noise was so bad every time that Luana woke up every hour and so did we, if we weren't already awake by the stench of marijuana...

Every time during this nuisance from our neighbors, my friend, Tino, went upstairs to ask if they could calm down. Naturally, the stoned neighbor's response was, “We'll take it easy. Sorry for the inconvenience." And then, when Tino had barely returned to our house, to start again. Even the police didn't stop them from going on.

Nuisance neighbors to the limit

Once it was so bad that I was shocked. Around three o'clock we heard a rock hard and a hard scream † Tino, who was completely fed up, went into the garden and looked up. There the neighbor was smoking a joint on the balcony. When asked if they could calm down a bit, the neighbor started yelling (very nice in the middle of the night on a Wednesday night). He kept yelling that we were bothering them and they never do anything.

When asked what that loud bang was, he gave this answer:"Yes my girlfriend fell out of bed." I'm quite shocked by this. Wasn't she 8 months pregnant by now? Isn't that a bit dangerous? Anyway, calm down and go to sleep. Luckily they stopped then. The next day Tino and I went upstairs with the little one. We just don't want this anymore. We're fed up. Unfortunately only the neighbor was there with her big belly, top and……thong…….Tino didn't know where to look. She stood there in full dress with the door wide open! "Yes what is it?" she dared to say smartly. After a conversation (in string) she finally understood what we meant.

They will take care of our little one. When asked what the bang was last night, she said:"Oh yeah, I tripped over the microwave and then I fell." Tino and I looked at each other for a moment and knew enough… either they are not tracking or they are really using too much. “Your friend indicated that you had fallen out of bed,” Tino says. “Oh yeah that's right. I fell out of bed and tripped over the microwave.” Right…. absolutely completely normal. Completely surprised we went back to our house. I can't believe you can lie like that. I hope they don't think anyone is falling for that! By the way, we've caught them lying several times before. The neighbor once indicated that she really does not smoke marijuana because she is pregnant. It's a bit of a shame that we caught her on the balcony, but stubbornly insist that she doesn't! And what does Youth Care do with this? Absolutely nothing! I really don't want to get involved in someone else's life, but this just seemed really not healthy † Marijuana and fights every night….not really a good combination for a baby, but hey what do I know about it. Maybe they will change when the little one arrives. However, this turned out a little differently than we expected…..


ps.. do you recognize any nuisance from neighbours? I'm curious how you dealt with a neighbor dispute!