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What are good reasons to leave someone?

In a couple, everything is not always rosy:doubts inevitably arise at one time or another and we ask ourselves the question of continuing or not. And if making the decision to break up is difficult (and the aftermath not necessarily pleasant), there are certain behaviors to observe that can help us know that we are making the right choice. This was explained by marriage therapist Linda Carroll, in a podcast of the show Art of Charm . According to her, there are 4 good reasons to leave someone… and a bad one.

1/ Our partner abuses us

Whether the abuse is sexual, financial, emotional or results in verbal abuse, there is no question:you have to leave. Linda Carroll added that even couples with big problems can find a way to make the relationship work, but in the first place, if there is abuse, the first step is to protect yourself.

2/ Our other half lies and shows jealousy

Lying and jealousy are signs to end the relationship as soon as they become constant (otherwise it can happen to anyone). Once again, we can also consider the breakup as a way of looking for solutions so that the couple can restart on a healthy basis, but distance is necessary.

3/ We tried everything and nothing worked

It is not a question of saying that it is the fault of someone in the couple but rather of realizing that it no longer suits us. Maybe we got into a relationship ignoring signs that should have alerted us? Maybe we were too young and what suited us at 25 no longer suits us today? The thing is, if you feel like you've tried everything to make it work (and you've told Bibi about it), the best thing to do is stop the charges, with no regrets.

4/ We feel it

Hard to explain, but sometimes you just feel things and trusting your instincts is a good thing. No need to come to hate the other to tell yourself that it is better to separate. The sad thing is that this feeling often happens to only one of the partners, but that's how it is, ignoring it would be even worse.

Bad reason:we find the other too normal

When we share someone's life for a long time, chances are that he/she will lose some of its magic, or even seem totally ordinary to us. And it doesn't matter! No, when we are in a relationship, we are not necessarily deeply in love every day (as Blake Lively recently confided about Ryan Reynolds) and no, everything is not rosy and what we liked at the beginning can seriously annoy us. But that doesn't mean you have to break up right away. You have to ask yourself the right questions and know if this annoyance is temporary or permanent. Because life together, whether you are married or not, goes through good times but also bad times.

The bottom line is that no one can decide for us (and fortunately!).