Family Best Time >> Family

The art of storage

More than a week after the start of the school year, some of you, those who FOLLOW, have asked me for news from the P’tit Grand and his office .

We see who looks at my instagram indeed. For the news – which I therefore excuse – you have to remember that last year, I invested in a maaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaallyaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa so thereof of of of of of oft from of it to do for P’tit Grand. As soon as I received it, I left the job to mount it, alone, with my little muscular arms. So happy for him. I wanted him to have it for the same evening.

He had returned. He had found the office absolutely maaaaaaaaaaaaaa ​​aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa,, he thanked me warmly.

He had done his homework in his usual place:in the middle of the hallway in the hall. On the ground.

Regularly I had published photos of his "postures" of work... I believe that I had even created a special hashtag #etpourtantilaunoffice. Desperate to get him to sit at his desk, I've since dropped the case.

Tuesday morning, spurred on by a coffee that was probably a little too strong, I decided to tidy up his room. Arf. Wait, I'm looking for the right expression... (promise she doesn't hide in her room, I'll find her)... to unclog her room? To do the best so that our weekly Housewife can vacuum without the risk of breaking a leg? That's it.

So. I'll set the stage for you.

The schoolgirl was still at home.

She watches me walk into "THE ROOM"...I sense her anxious. I confirm my objective.

She giggles.

I reach the office. Yes, I recognize it, it is hidden under… all this pile of… rhaaaa…. stuff!

I am speechless at the extent of the brothel. Piece of paper, broken pencils, hollow glue tube, ok that's his DIY. Photos of friends, oh that's easy:I gather them and hop I attach them together on a photo holder. YOUHOU.

The flea pops a head:"Are you okay mom? »

I explain to him that I managed to put something away.

She's laughing.

I turn my head a little, I discover a small box of Pringel between open (for the reloux readers who forbid me to make sponso ticket, this is NOT a product placement)

Inside:leftover crisps.


The flea rolls her head again:"Mom? »

I show him.

"Ahhhh it's his box of Pringel that he received as a reward this summer in camp in England. »

"re eurk"

"It was because he had tidied up his room!" »

"WHAT ????????? »

The schoolgirl left screaming with laughter.

It made my day.